Friday, February 22, 2008

Can neighborhoods influence the cost of government?

It's almost been the norm in Redmond to complain or fret about where our tax money is being spent to run Redmond government.

Mayor Marchione is trying to change that by involving our neighborhoods UP FRONT in identifying city priorities on how our tax money is spent.

You can learn about this novel neighborhood-engaged budget process in one of three ways:
  1. Scan the concise "Budgeting By Priorities" website.

  2. View a 6 minute Q&A video featuring Mayor Marchione here.

  3. Attend the Thursday, February 28th 6:30pm interactive meeting at City Hall.

At the Thursday meeting you'll not only learn about Marchione's new approach to spending our tax dollars but you'll have a chance give Mayor Marchione & council your ideas and influence the final results.

These are our tax dollars. And, this an excellent opportunity to influence city officials on how & where our money will be spent. Will you tell your neighbors about this?

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