Monday, December 17, 2007

WSDOT's flawed SR 520 freeway widening design

Washington Department of Transportation's (WSDOT) flawed environmental plan for widening SR520.

The NW Regional Administrator for WSDOT states "WSDOT is accountable during 520 widening to several local, State and Federal agencies for ensure the project can be completed with practical environmental impact.

FACT: WSDOT is not complying to the City of Redmond Critical Area Ordinance on sustaining 150 foot Creek buffers.

FACT: WSDOT is not accountable to the Washington State Dept. Ecology for "no net loss" during wetland mitigation sequencing.

FACT: WSDOT is not accountable to the Federal/State Endangered Species Act for Bear Creek Listed Chinook salmon.

The WSDOT design does not ensure environmental measures are practical to anyone but themselves.

Read the next blog for a solution.

Click HERE for a short video clip of Bear Creek flooding its southern banks during a car ride to within 20 feet of SR 520.

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