No photo was found on the city website of Mayor Ives and Council together with each other.
Rosemarie was cheerful and wearing a purple dress with Santa lapel pin. She was sitting next to Council President Nancy McCormick (adversaries) in a bright red dress.
-Mayor Lauinger of Kirkland gave a commemorative plaque to Mayor Ives after reading it. Very friendly comments. Rosemarie stated she considered Kirkland our sister city. Rosemarie cried.
-Microsoft executive, Jim Stanton, read a letter from Steve Balmer, CEO of Microsoft. He recalled Rosemarie's city theme "Redmond is a community of good neighbors". He spoke to Rosemarie's legacy in environmental stewardship.
-Rosemarie cried some.
-A representative for the City Hall union representing 1/3 of all city hall workers complained again about employee relations.
-Rosemarie cried lightly as she started to read the Consent Agenda. No items pulled.
-Rosemarie spoke highly of the 5-acre wetland at Microsoft Redmond West enhanced by Microsoft.
-Rosemarie told councilmember Vache to speak to the microphone several times. Fussing on how the BIDI committee was terminated.
- Most improved (relationships w/Ives & humor) - Richard Cole
- Most emotional - tie between Kimberly Allen & Rosemarie Ives
- Most humorous - Jim Robinson
- Most uncomfortable w/the moment - Nancy McCormick
- Most value-centered - Pat Vache
- Most amiable - Hank Margeson
- Most family oriented - John Marchione
"Redmond montage" given to Robinson by McCormick & Rosemarie.
Rosemarie noted: Sensitive Areas ordinance, intelligence, wit, humility, champion of diversity, inclusive, gracious, blossoming environmental ethic.
McCormick spoke of Jim's: passion, wit, x-rated goodbye to Richard Grubb.
Cole spoke of Jim's sayings - "City Council is the bottom of political food chain", "if you torture the data it will confess", "show me the delta", a fellow bean counter with Robinson.
Vache said: values - truth & honesty, authentic (Robinson smiled), objectivity, data-driven, humor is really good when you figure it out.
Marchione said: thoughtful, insightful, dry wit and courage, battle star galactic hobby,
Allen said: a hoot, new ideas, institutional knowledge, vision, steward of environment, dancing with the stars, sharing.
Margeson said: dedication, supporter of environment, parks, trails, role model, unique instincts.
Cole: asked Jim to sign his George and Laura Bush calendar. Robinson's response: Angelina Jolie joke,
Robinson's farewell: 16-years ago, a great ride, Redmond is not just anytown USA (Ives), thank Ives (ahead of her time esp. w/ environment not afraid to ask for strong city services), Cole's vote for NO was yes?, thanks staff for job well done, get involved in politics - especially children. "simply have to make peace with planet earth", run into nasty elements on campaign but also good people who care, 2005 prostate cancer "in the end all we really have is each other." People first. [standing ovation].
Marchione's dedication: got Redmond montage from Ives & McCormick. Rosemarie said: she is in common with John as a 1-term councilmember , church, neighborhood. John is Mayor #10. Job can be scary and unclear, great staff, commend his family, challenge to balance personal life & family. McCormick said: regional affairs. Cole said: didn't know who he was 5 years ago.
Robinson humorously said: "I suppose I was supposed to say something nice"? Good first impression of John doorbelling. Jim liked, best of all, John's logical and clear statement of issues and following up. Vache said: he won't say goodbye. Allen said: glad not to be standing in John's place, collaboration. Margeson said: families intertwined, John coined "dodger" mantra for being offside in soccer. Met John as soon as he arrived in Redmond. Marchione responded: new chair for me? Claim to fame of finishing his council term - his Mom could not.
-Rosemarie's Dedication: McCormick gave Ives a wrapped gift. Remembered, Rosemarie called her for help about being Chair of Planning Commission. 5 years on planning commission. Public office is toll on families. [struggle for words]. Rosemarie responded: Nancy appointed to Planning Commission at same time. Tom Bower. Thank you to Nancy for devotion. Exquisite crystal gift. Cole said: joked of "cruel and unusual punishment to be together for over 20 years." Robinson said: reminisced about first meeting Ives. Admired her laughing at his jokes. "Council retreat with Dr. Phil". National League of Cities. Vache said: he predates Ives for Planning Commission, Values - big picture perspective (River Walk), Environmental vision, Celebrating and having fun & diversity, the kids. Marchione said: daughter born on same day as Mayor Ives mayoral appointment, name recall, not retiring or shy, passion, environmental ethic admired, Allen said: remembered first met Rosemarie in purple track suit strolling up street saying hi , set bar high, independence, voice, energy, CRYING (both) "my mentor", stand on the shoulders of those before you. Margeson said: passion, leadership for a quarter a century, generation that only know Ives as mayor. Norman Rockwell El. fundraisers appreciated more than known. Rosemarie responded: if there's food & a party I'll be there (crying). told of her video made by Van Eckstrom of Rosemarie expressions - on government web site. Crying about how the people of Redmond motivate her in tough times and the wonderful staff. Proud of Green Gateway of Leary Way. Jesting with Richard Cole about putting up with each other. Proud of Town Center. crying some. Staff brought big box of Kleenex to party. Issues are interrelated and very complicated. Saying lots of hail Mary's for city officials. Adjourned, smiling at the crystal McCormick gave her saying is reminds her of the "Ice Thaw" art outside of City Hall. Laughing....
Marchione's dedication: got Redmond montage from Ives & McCormick. Rosemarie said: she is in common with John as a 1-term councilmember , church, neighborhood. John is Mayor #10. Job can be scary and unclear, great staff, commend his family, challenge to balance personal life & family. McCormick said: regional affairs. Cole said: didn't know who he was 5 years ago.
Robinson humorously said: "I suppose I was supposed to say something nice"? Good first impression of John doorbelling. Jim liked, best of all, John's logical and clear statement of issues and following up. Vache said: he won't say goodbye. Allen said: glad not to be standing in John's place, collaboration. Margeson said: families intertwined, John coined "dodger" mantra for being offside in soccer. Met John as soon as he arrived in Redmond. Marchione responded: new chair for me? Claim to fame of finishing his council term - his Mom could not.
-Rosemarie's Dedication: McCormick gave Ives a wrapped gift. Remembered, Rosemarie called her for help about being Chair of Planning Commission. 5 years on planning commission. Public office is toll on families. [struggle for words]. Rosemarie responded: Nancy appointed to Planning Commission at same time. Tom Bower. Thank you to Nancy for devotion. Exquisite crystal gift. Cole said: joked of "cruel and unusual punishment to be together for over 20 years." Robinson said: reminisced about first meeting Ives. Admired her laughing at his jokes. "Council retreat with Dr. Phil". National League of Cities. Vache said: he predates Ives for Planning Commission, Values - big picture perspective (River Walk), Environmental vision, Celebrating and having fun & diversity, the kids. Marchione said: daughter born on same day as Mayor Ives mayoral appointment, name recall, not retiring or shy, passion, environmental ethic admired, Allen said: remembered first met Rosemarie in purple track suit strolling up street saying hi , set bar high, independence, voice, energy, CRYING (both) "my mentor", stand on the shoulders of those before you. Margeson said: passion, leadership for a quarter a century, generation that only know Ives as mayor. Norman Rockwell El. fundraisers appreciated more than known. Rosemarie responded: if there's food & a party I'll be there (crying). told of her video made by Van Eckstrom of Rosemarie expressions - on government web site. Crying about how the people of Redmond motivate her in tough times and the wonderful staff. Proud of Green Gateway of Leary Way. Jesting with Richard Cole about putting up with each other. Proud of Town Center. crying some. Staff brought big box of Kleenex to party. Issues are interrelated and very complicated. Saying lots of hail Mary's for city officials. Adjourned, smiling at the crystal McCormick gave her saying is reminds her of the "Ice Thaw" art outside of City Hall. Laughing....
-- Bob Yoder
DEAR BOB/editor, This is interesting reading. I have lived on Education Hill since 1982. When I first moved here, my realtor called this place, "sleepy little Redmond." There were two stop lights, and no one-way roads! I am amazed by the growth in Redmond, and beyond on Novelty Hill, Union Hill and the Sammamish Plateau. I guess people around here, like to live on a hill. While I worked towards preserving the open space on Education Hill, I do feel the Planning Commission always listened to us "green advocates" and adopted best practices for growth management in the neighborhoods. Mayor Ives began her city service in the Planning Department, as I recall. Her passion for neighborhoods and community has carried her forward successfully. Her hard work supporting Art, the Senior Center, the Firehouse, Redmond Lights, and Derby Days are evidence of her legacy and passion for community. Of course, her green vision is great along the Sammamish River and Luke McRedmond Park. The heron rookery is happy with these green improvements. Fishing is good! So many thanks to Mayor Ives for her vision and dedication to Redmond's quality of life.
I agree with most everything Richard says except the Heron rookeries. Both city rookeries are "dead" i.e. without nests.
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