Sunday, November 18, 2007

Marchione shouldn't be fingered for Redmond's skyscraping growth

As of this writing, John Marchione is 16% ahead of Jim Robinson with 45% of the registered voting and all precincts reporting. John has it in the bag.

From the day John pulled ahead I've heard a number of Jim's supporters state concerns that "Marchione will turn Redmond will be another Bellevue"; "Marchione will assert the values of Bellevue upon Redmond"; "Marchione will draw in businesses and grow tall skyscrapers".

These accusations about Marchione are emotionally charged and not sound. Our "strong mayor" form of government doesn't empower Mayor-elect Marchione to set growth policy. Land -Use policy decisions shaping our growth resides with Council and the Planning Commission, not the mayor.

The Council listens to the mayor, city staff, planning commission, and citizens about growth issues. Council then decides on their growth policy, by vote. Mayor Marchione won't vote. John will supply information to Council needed to make their decision. And, he will carry out the Council's growth policies. The advantage of Marchione for Mayor are his regional relationships with Bellevue, Kirkland and other neighboring cities. John will be able to facilitate our council's policy with greater alacrity and effectiveness than our tenured, home-spun Jim Robinson.

Rosemary Ives' appointed commissioners have already recommended a 10 + story skyscraper at the Group Health site on Overlake. It appears our Council is all for giving the free market room to grow taller buildings (skyscrapers) in the Overlake Urban neighborhood. By growing "up" planners figure more open space can be saved for urban parks.

In short, many major decisions about how Redmond will grow and look have already been made by our council (including Robinson) under the Ives administration. The wheels are already in motion to urbanize Overlake with or without John as mayor. A major, $40M regional stormwater facility for our downtown has already been approved for Redmond Way and NE 8oth Street. $30M Bear Creek Parkway is approved by council. Robinson voted on all of them. When the streets get torn up and traffic staggers, don't blame John. The entire council voted on the plan under the assistance of Mayor Ives.

So, what do you have to say about that?!


Unknown said...

While I do not think our new mayor will turn Redmond into Bellevue East,it is not appropriate to characterize the Planning Commission's support for taller buildings on the Group Health property as support for sky scrapers. The commission only supported the additional height in that specific spot because of the elevation changes and the large number of big trees that would be preserved. Both features would act to blend the buildings into the hillside and negate any increases in height. And the trade for more open space on the property would benefit our environment and our ability to enjoy open space.

Anonymous said...

I am happy with the election of John Marchione for Mayor of Redmond. I feel Mayor Marchione will provide professional management for the City of Redmond. He clearly has the financial and management skills needed by the City of Redmond.

I am bewildered by the campaign rhethoric that positioned Redmond as a "home town". I feel that downtown Redmond needs many improvements, and those improvements have not been planned. I am encouraged that a new Mayor and several councilmen have a vision for a revitalized downtown.