Tuesday, November 13, 2007

John Marchione is soon our 10th Mayor!

SEATTLE TIMES EDITORIAL, "Redmond Looks Ahead", 11/12


KOMO Interview with Doreen Marchione, past Redmond Mayor and mother of John Marchione, "click link" for the podcast:



As of Tuesday November 16, Marchione is ahead of Robinson by 1568 votes (58%) and climbing! Are we hearing "mandate"?!

45% of the electorate have cast a ballot and we are still counting.

Brian Seitz is over 200 + votes behind David Carson.

Hank Margeson and Richard Cole are far ahead.

Hank Myers won an uncontested race.



SEATTLE TIMES, 11/7 by Ashley Bach

"If Marchione wins, it will be a blow to outgoing Mayor Rosemarie Ives, who aggressively supported his opponent, Council-member Jim Robinson, and who beat Marchione's mother, Doreen, for mayor 16 years ago.

A Marchione victory would be a boost for business interests in the city. Robinson wanted to raise taxes to ensure businesses paid for growth, while Marchione said business growth pays for itself and improves the city.

...Residents said "it was time for a change, time for professional management and that includes the whole community", he said. ...Marchione said 'he was delighted by the early results and was looking forward to bringing the community together after a divisive race.'

-- Ashley Bach, the Seattle Times.


The End !

Bob Yoder, Education Hill


Patti & Hank Margeson had graciously set up a candidate sign home "collection-dissasembly center" which is now closed.

Most of Cole’s new signs can be recycled and they have the recycled logo on them - old ones go in the trash. Margeson’s & Colin’s signs can be recycled in the curbside containers. Marchione, Carson and Myers are reusing theirs and would like them back, please call or email for pick up information. Contact Seitz, Robinson and Schuelke to get their signs back to them.

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