UPDATED on 4/18/13. It's my understanding the wetland bank program has been delayed for 5 years. I don't know the details, but you could contact the city council ombudsman at council@redmond.gov for an explanation.
OPINION: My friend and neighbor, Richard Morris, wrote a "guest" blog a few months ago about new developments at historic Keller Farm near Avondale and Union Hill road. Recently, the planning commission has been holding public meetings on the project. The commission graciously left their meeting open for "comment". If you have something to say for the record, you may still comment (as of 8/5/07) to the planningcommission@redmond.gov
If ever there was a WIN-WIN land-use & re-zone project in Redmond THIS is it!
Below is an assessment of community needs that will be satisfied by the Aegis Living - Keller Farm development.
Project review and rezone are almost finalized. The Department of Ecology will consider a Public Hearing - by request only.
** The photograph above is of cow pasture along Bear Creek. It may be Keller Farm. This photo is on the front cover of Redmond Historical Society's new soft-cover titled "Redmond Reflections - from settlers to software", written by Naomi Hardy. To order write redmondhistory@hotmail.com.
Redmond City Technical Report of the Aegis project is HERE
FACTOIDS - a 225 acre wetland in Duval was the first wetland banking site in WA. Washington State Dept. of Transportation (WSDOT) owns 5 wetland banks. Two banks are in Skagit county and one in Eastern Washington. >> wetland banks are booming across the country but are limited in Washington State by stronger regulations.
OPINION: My friend and neighbor, Richard Morris, wrote a "guest" blog a few months ago about new developments at historic Keller Farm near Avondale and Union Hill road. Recently, the planning commission has been holding public meetings on the project. The commission graciously left their meeting open for "comment". If you have something to say for the record, you may still comment (as of 8/5/07) to the planningcommission@redmond.gov
If ever there was a WIN-WIN land-use & re-zone project in Redmond THIS is it!
Below is an assessment of community needs that will be satisfied by the Aegis Living - Keller Farm development.
- Mr. Keller, owner of historic Keller Dairy Farm and now pumpkin farm has agreed to sell his land to a developer, but the low density residential zoning and Critical Area characteristics impeded progress and land values.
- The City classified much of Keller's land as protected, "critical areas" -- 1) recharge zone for maintaining our well water supply, 2) and hazardous flood zone, 3) riparian and fish & wildlife Protection Area; and wetland making re-zoning and development difficult.
- Aegis Living retirement company sought a premium location to attract and service their retirement clientele and obtain a location close to their corporate headquarters.
- The long-time landowners with grandfathered 25 foot buffers on Evans Creek want to increase the value of their land so that SE Redmond can be redeveloped. Evans Creek is a salmon bearing, straight channel with little or no riparian habitat or buffers.
- Perrigo Creek is taking on higher concentrations of stormwater run-off from new developments (Perrigo Heights, 180 Ave, and SR 520) presenting negative impacts to priority Bear Creek habitat.
- Environmentalists (Muckelshoot Indian Tribe, WaterTenders, community activists) want to protect priority open space, habitat, and species.
- Redmond Historical Society and residents want to preserve our heritage and our view corridors.
- Congested traffic needs to be mitigated on Avondale Road during redevelopment of the corridor.
- 5000 senior citizens 65 years and older live within a 3 mile radius of Keller Farm and will need retirement accommodations and care.
- Affordable housing is scarce for residents and workers in Redmond.
- Wetland mitigation banks are needed in Redmond to facilitate growth.
- The residential and agricultural zoning of Keller Farm will be amended to "Bear Creek District" allowing Mr. Keller to sell his 126 acre farm for a good return to Aegis Health Care (8.8 acres) and a "wetland bank" entrepreneur ((117 acres).
- A "wetland bank" is created in partnership with the the city and Aegis. The bank allows the city to protect their valuable recharge wellhead protection zone, protected riparian habitat and species, priority flood zone & wetlands. Susan Wilkins stated our 1998 FEMA Flood Map was dated. Kim Richardson had concerns about pesticides.
- Aegis Living, website here, will build a state-of-art retirement complex next to their corporate headquarters. Assisted living with focus on memory care will be provided. Alzheimer's is expected to grow by 10-fold by 2050. 1 in 5 citizens will be over 65 by 2030, according to Brain Poge of Aegis.
- An easement is created in the wetland bank to allow for re-routing & meandering of Evans Creek away from SE Redmond businesses. Riparian habitat will be restored and creekside resident land value will increase stimulating redevelopment of SE Redmond.
- Perrigo Creek currently runs underground 1000 feet in a pipe along Avondale. It will be "daylighted" to a swale (grassed ditch), the stream water -- oxygenated, filtered and re-routed away from Avondale wastewater before draining into Bear Creek - improving stormwater treatment and Bear Creek water quality.
- The wetland bank will be used mostly for wetlands paved over by roads, high schools, and trails and will not replace on-site mitigation. Victor Woodlasnd, wetland banker partner, has a 10 year commitment to restore banked units. Within 20-years the wetland bank will be endowed in perpetuity to the Cascade Land Conservancy. The wetland bank will be restored with trees and shrubs native to wetlands. Man-made ditches will be removed. Trails should be pervious (Dick Schaetzel) and secondary to the flow of the creeks (Ed Schein). Bear Creek is a channel. Off channel rearing of fish is superior and more likely after restoration. (Bill Shields).
- Aegis Living residents do most of their driving during off-peak hours so they are a good business for busy Avondale Road.
- 10% of the units will be set aside for affordable housing for workers and possibly residents.
- "Avondale Green Homeowners Association" is not opposed but they want a 2nd exit onto Avondale and a U-turn for safety.
- a small triangular neighborhood next to Aegis is unhappy with the Aegis Road going next to their neighborhood.
- Susan Wilkins duly noted concerns about our dated 1998 FEMA Flood map. Staffers agreed that mapping work needed to be done. Susan presented photos of the proposed Aegis tennis courts in the 1998 flood plain.
- Jill Richardson had duly noted concerns about pesticides.
Project review and rezone are almost finalized. The Department of Ecology will consider a Public Hearing - by request only.
** The photograph above is of cow pasture along Bear Creek. It may be Keller Farm. This photo is on the front cover of Redmond Historical Society's new soft-cover titled "Redmond Reflections - from settlers to software", written by Naomi Hardy. To order write redmondhistory@hotmail.com.
Redmond City Technical Report of the Aegis project is HERE
FACTOIDS - a 225 acre wetland in Duval was the first wetland banking site in WA. Washington State Dept. of Transportation (WSDOT) owns 5 wetland banks. Two banks are in Skagit county and one in Eastern Washington. >> wetland banks are booming across the country but are limited in Washington State by stronger regulations.
Planning commission's final recommendations to Council of 9/28/07: http://www.redmond.gov/insidecityhall/citycouncil/CurrentAgenda.asp
Keller Farm was never redeveolped, I dont' know why. 5/11/12
The City of Redmond has purchased 83 acres of Keller Farm (7 remain in private ownership) to provide "an ecological lift for the area, which will benefit the site as well as the watershed and Bear Creek". See here for the Redmond Reporter article: http://www.redmond-reporter.com/news/295053471.html#
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