Friday, November 9, 2007

4/25/07, Parks Levy plans and presentation

The Parks Commissioners and Director Craig Larsen (above) pretty much received unanimous agreement and support for this proposal from COUNCIL & MAYOR at council's study session on levys, 4/25/07

Draft: Park and Recreation Levy Proposal
Background: The Redmond Parks and Recreation Department and the Redmond Parks Board have reviewed the options for a Parks and Recreation levy, and have the following findings and recommendations.

Maintenance, Operation and Program expenses have surpassed current funding. We can not adequately maintain our parks, trails and facilities; respond to demand for programs; or adequately staff our parks and community centers.

With one exception, we have not received the funds needed to maintain parks and trails, street landscaping or other facilities purchased or built after 1999.

We do not have the resources to maintain parks, trails and facilities purchased or built after December 31, 2006.

We do not have the resources to maintain street right-of-way landscaping constructed after December 31, 2006.

The growth of Redmond area population, and the quality and success of our programs, creates demands for additional staff and program hours.

There are unfunded responsibilities for Native Growth Protection Easements, and urban forestry, and opportunities to expand the parks and recreation volunteer program which would improve habitat and reduce hazards.

In light of these challenges, it is appropriate and advisable to ask citizens to approve a levy sufficient to fund all critical park and recreation system needs.


Seek a levy rate of $0.10/1000 AV to fund the following.
1. Teen Center FTE

2. O&M Parks built before 2007

3. O&M Parks built 2007 to 2012

4. O&M street landscaping built 2007 to 2012

5. Teen Center open seven days a week

6. After School Programs for Elem./Jr. high

7. Health, Wellness and Fitness

8. Urban Forestry

9.Expanded Arts Program

10. Expanded Flower Program


5/1/07 From the most recent meetings if appears Council will pay off all Operation and Maintenance (O&M) expenses by tapping into our Capital Improvement Program (CIP). The amount needed to pay off our O&M is about $605,000 - an equivalent of .05/$1K. Tranfering $$ from the CIP cuts down on the amount of the park levy. The levy is projected to be about 3 cents/$K property tax. After School Programs are up in the air. The CIP has idle, unallocated funds which can be judiciously used.


4/25/07 PART 1 - PARKS LEVY - Intense council debate -- commissioners to the rescue!
I'm still recovering from last night's levy debate on safety (fire & police) and parks. Whoa! The levy issue is so HUGE for us I could ooze thoughts for days.

Unfortunately, a problem we must contend with is the "election factor" -- with the fuzziness and sometimes angst it brings. Perhaps, a separate story on levy politics? Here goes my first take on what came out of last night's discussion. This story focuses on the values of our unpaid citizen-volunteer parks & trails commissioners....

Kudos to The Board of Parks Commissioners! And, sincere thanks to council Pres. McCormick, Vice-Pres. Vache, and/or Parks Chair Jim Robinson for requesting the presence of the Parks commissioners for the parks levy discussion! The four commissioners who spoke up for the people -- three of which sat at the table -- did an incredibly AWESOME job explaining citizens need for parks and assuring Council that the money requested was truly justified. Special thanks to Lori Snodgrass, Sue Stewart, and Dayle "Hank" Margeson! (Hank is running for council this year.)

They did a tremendous job and I urge anyone who can watch the replay of their effort to tune into RCTV 21 this Sunday at 9PM. (I think they'll be on around 10:30PM after the fire/police gig).

My wife thought the city should do a survey of citizen's needs and desires for Parks. In fact, the commissioners did apparently do a survey a two years ago. The result -- according to commissioner Margeson, 2/3 of surveyed citizens agreed to support a .10/$K park levy increase (lid lift). That's huge community support.

In the end, we take confidence from the hard work of our parks & trails commissioners over the last 5 years (!) on their budget. Our dedicated commissioners are 100%, unpaid citizen volunteers -- many have children, some are seniors, some are teens, some artists, single and/or with families.

Some care about passive parks, others active parks, and arts parks, community parks, pocket parks; some care about trails or land acquisition, some value historic facilities like the Old Redmond School House and the Old Fire House Teen Center and wood artist Dudley Carter's homestead; or the new skateboard 'edge' park or rehabbed pool; and not least, the after-school daycare on...

In general, our commissioners care about all of our city's rich resources - our wellhead designs, open spaces, tree canopy, street corner flower pots, creeks, wildlife, watersheds and yes even plantings in our ever-growing street mediums --- yes, the Parks Dept. has maintained our mediums!

THUS , Council was blessed, and benefited greatly from inviting parks commissioners Sue Stewart, "Hank" Margeson, and Lori Snodgrass (and Mary B.) to sit at the table with council as consultants to our Council.

Council members did all that was within them to thank our commissioners for their valued advice, dedicated effort, and solid plan.

Commissioners put it all in perspective in stating: "the park levy is costing the equivalent of a tall, mocha latte per month". Thank you, I can relate to that. And, you listed exactly and openly your reasoning and benefits for this 'cup.'

Your integrity is valued. You say the neighborhoods and citizenry are behind it, will promote it. We believe you. You've spent 5 years working on this, hands-on, so your decisions aren't flippant. No politics of the moment. There is nothing tangible in it for you - money or power -- just your desire to serve. I respect you. Your needs are transparent. I trust you. You don't hide things from us.

My dear commissioners, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DID FOR US at the chamber table tonight!

If anyone wants to comment please follow the comment directions at the BOTTOM of this blog or email for blog posting; I will cut n paste.

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