Friday, November 9, 2007

3/5/07, Council quirks and endless conversations

Education Hill road improvements are funded by the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and grants.

I don't have any news of substance to report from the council's Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) grindingly endless meeting last night. It was at a "tier 1", global "conversation" of "priorities" and "criteria"...with a pinch of pontificating. Hopefully, the "pieces" will fit together once council "gets through the weeds" to analyze the specifics.

The sooner the better, as we've got roads and parkways to build - like 166th & 104th improvements.

Common council jargon is in parenthesises.

Action words are uncommon e.g. 'decision' , 'consensus- making ', 'determine', and 'resolve' and 'act', etc.

Bottom line: Thus, council's frequent grinding, long and unproductive study sessions often end in the laps of staff for decision making or put off. Citizen commissions, advisory boards and ad hoc citizens RARELY sit at the table -- to extend bounded rationality, ideas, consensus to take 'the conversation' to the highest level - the DECISION.

Staff recommendations and presentation of Planning Commission recommdations for Marymoor East and Kempin Property zone issues were summarily dismissed at the March 13 study session. (Resha/Robinson absent). Marymoor East is now up for reconsideration 6/07.

Referenced to: City of Kirkland's highly effective council study session on 'Transportation, 2007' viewed from archived video on their website.'

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