Friday, November 9, 2007

1/23/07, Redmond Ranked Tops for Kids!

This is a picture I took of children on Perrigo Springs Woodland Trail, during the "Friends of Redmond Woodlands", FORW fundraiser. Children in Redmond, WA. are lucky! Really lucky.

Lori Snodgrass, Parks Board member, gave us the heads-up; then yesterday morning Q13 FOX TV announced from Marymoor Park some very exciting news: Redmond is ranked in the nation's TOP 100 "Best Communities for Young People" by "America's Promise Alliance". Out of 750 other schools applying, Redmond was specifically selected for it's array of safe and fun after-school activities.

The America's Promise Alliance was founded in 2005 by Colin L. Powell. City selections were made by over 50 Alliance members, including: U.S. Conference of Mayors, and Big Brothers/Sisters. Tim Russert of Meet the Press, Brian Gallagher the United Way President, and Tom Donohue of the US Commerce are a few of the decision-makers.

So how is Redmond so special in providing an array of safe and fun after-school activities? I've brainstormed a few from parenting my 14 year old daughter and 7 years of "Lunch Buddy" mentoring. Here goes:

See the kids running along the Perrigo Woodland trail in the photo? No question it's safer and more fun commuting to school on this trail than taking a bus. Redmond is loaded with neighborhood trail connections. Ann Glassy, administrator of the Lunch Buddy Mentoring Program at Mann, directs kids to the Redmond El Neighborhood Program for afterschool enrichment. The Redmond Old Fire House provides after school activities for teenagers aged 13-19. An Eastside Services Counselor is available at the Fire House for high risk kids needing help on teen issues. 425-810-4083. The Outdoor Skateboard Park and Perrigo Dirt Bike Course keeps kids off the roads and having fun. Explorers 16 years and older are recruited to help the police on safety issues. & Sports - on lit fields with artificial turf in Redmond's Hartman, Grasslawn, & Perrigo city parks -- all well maintained and 'safe'. Redmond Recreation Guide!
America's Promise Alliance has shown that to succeed in life, young people must experience at least four of the Five Promises -- 1) caring adults, 2) safe places, 3) a healthy start, 4) effective education, 5) opportunities to help others. Less than 1 in 3 young people in the nation receive enough of these promises.

Aren't we lucky! 1/23/07

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