Saturday, March 22, 2025

45th Legislative District Town Hall, March 15, 2025.

The bulk of the town hall starts at 17 minutes.  Rare opportunity to learn the state of Washington State.  It's not good.   

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

City Counci Meeting Agendas Distributed By Email


Redmond City Council Agendas

for the Weeks of March 17 and 24, 2025

Starting March 16, 2025  agendas will be distributed twice a month and will include two weeks of agendas.

To sign up for email delivery of Council agendas click this link:  

Study Sessions and Business Meetings are held every week in City Hall.  Click on the links and find useful and very interesting information related to Council/Mayor decisions. Staff always gives presentations at these meetings.  They and the Mayor run the government.  

"Committee of the Whole" is loaded with excellent information and topic discussion  e.g. 
Automated Speed Safety Cameras, Amended City Ordinance, and Camera Vendor Service Agreement
Attachments:1. Agenda Memo, 2. Attachment A: Amended Redmond Ordinance 10.25, 3. Attachment B: Speed Camera Program Analysis and Recommendations, 4. Attachment C: Service Agreement Between City of Redmond and NovoaGlobal, 5. Attachment D: NovoaGlobal Sole Source Justification

-- Yoder, 3/18/25

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Redmond, A Welcoming City / Immigration Enforcement

Redmond is a welcoming city, with a strong commitment to cultivating an inclusive community, where everyone feels valued, supported, and connected. The City actively creates an environment where all residents can fully access city services, influence local policy, and feel a sense of belonging and safety. In 2017 and 2020, the City Council passed resolutions No. 1465 and No. 1534, respectively, affirming its commitment towards a culturally inclusive community, as well declaring Redmond as a hate free zone. 


The Redmond Police Department would like to provide some clarification after recent inquiries from residents concerned about immigration enforcement and possible future interaction with immigration officials.

What is the Redmond Police Department’s role in immigration enforcement?
The Police Department does not enforce immigration violations. State law and department policy prohibit Redmond Police officers from asking or collecting information about a person’s immigration or citizenship status, unless there is a connection with a state or local criminal investigation, and officers may not detain a person solely to determine immigration status.

Will the police report me or give my information to immigration authorities?
Under state law and policy, the Department is restricted from sharing information with immigration officials, except under certain circumstances as required by law, such as a valid court order.

Will the police help immigration officials with raids or other operations?
The Redmond Police Department would not typically be involved in federal immigration operations at all. If requested, the Department would provide only support services, such as traffic control or peacekeeping efforts for public safety reasons.

What should I do if immigration officials approach me or knock on my door and want to talk to me?
Review these Northwest Immigrant Rights Project materials.

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Mayor Birney Joins "America's Housing Comeback Advisory Group"


                               America’s Housing Comeback Advisory Group

REDMOND, WA – Mayor Angela Birney joined city leaders from around the country in Washington, D.C. as a member of America’s Housing Comeback Advisory Group, led by the National League of Cities. This group is an initiative for the Housing Supply Accelerator, which Mayor Birney has served on, and is part of a national consortium of leaders developing and advancing solutions for housing supply challenges at the local level. Together, group members will improve and accelerate the growth of public-private partnerships focused on locally driven housing solutions and pioneer new approaches that elevate the potential of housing financing now and into the future. 

“I am honored to join this advisory group to address the housing challenges within our communities,” said Mayor Birney. “Every person has a right to safe and affordable housing, and I am confident that we will find innovative solutions to help both our residents here in Redmond and those across the U.S.”

As a member of this group, Mayor Birney will meet with the advisory group; participate in work group meetings; and co-develop and adopt the America’s Housing Comeback Advisory Group’s principles for federal-local partnerships, public-private partnerships, and the federal housing supply agenda. 

This work aligns directly with Redmond’s commitment to being a regional leader in addressing the housing crisis. Redmond 2050, the City’s Comprehensive Plan update that was adopted in 2024, increases the types of housing for community members, such as duplexes, triplexes, and townhomes [in neighborhoods.] It also supports increasing the supply of housing units by 20,000 from 2019 to 2044. About 11,000 of these are needed for households earning equal to or below 50% area median income (AMI). In 2020, the City also completed a Housing Needs Assessment, which informed the Housing Action Plan, both of which were approved in early 2021. 


click "comment" to leave them...

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Backyard Cherry Tree


Massive cherry tree specimen 

A view from my desk to our backyard cherry tree.  You can't see, but it's a grouping of 2 landmark trees and 2 others (cabled) reaching over our fence.  Can you find the bird house we nailed to the trunk years ago without use of a ladder?  Yes, it's grown tremendously in our 36 years here.  All kinds of wildlife live in this tree, including racoon families.  On the downside, it's a garbagy tree.  In the Spring, faint blossoms and copious pollen falls on our windshields for weeks, then in the summer and Fall a multitude of sepals, inedible cherries and leaves must be swept from the patio.  Though this monster is my "therapy tree," I'll be glad to leave it behind when I move out of Redmond this year.       

-- Bob Yoder, 1/25/2025

For personal reasons, I'm taking a break from this blog.  I may be back in several weeks or so. [Most of the "Popular Posts" on the sidebar are dated.] 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Lake Washington School District Budget Earns Award


Eight is great! Lake Washington School District Budget Earns Meritorious Budget Award

Award reflects District’s goal of fiscal responsibility

Redmond, Wash. – Lake Washington School District’s (LWSD’s) 2024-25 Budget has earned the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) Meritorious Budget Award (MBA). This award promotes and recognizes excellence in budget development, communication, and presentation in school districts. LWSD has received this award eight years in a row. LWSD is the only district in the state of Washington to receive this award.

Friday, January 10, 2025

Osman Salahuddin Appointed To Serve 48th Legislative District

Redmond Councilmember Osman Salahuddin's Facebook post on his appointment to serve in the Washington State House of Representatives for the 48th Legislative District. Osman will still serve as a Redmond councilmember.

"Exciting life update: I’ve been appointed to serve in our WA State House of Representatives for the 48th Legislative District!

I’m humbled by the outpouring of support from my community. Thank you to the King County Council and the 48th LD PCOs for entrusting me with this responsibility. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to all of you who have been a part of this journey — THANK YOU ♥️
As the only Muslim, South Asian, and now the youngest member of our WA State House, I’m honored to have this opportunity to advocate for communities whose voices have not often been represented in government.
I’m excited to continue my path of public service and representation of our diverse Eastside communities and all Washingtonians. More importantly, I’m ready to get to work (starting Monday!) 🙌🏽 aH
(I’ll be sharing a longer post to recognize all the amazing people, labor unions, organizations, and community champions who supported me in this process!)
Read about the appointment process here and how this vacancy came about:"

-- Osman Salahuddin, Facebook, 1/09/2025

Friday, January 3, 2025

Senior Center Art And Activities

Alice Groaski
Watercolor on paper, Japanese  
woodblock print  26x20
$250 206-612-3260

Monthly Senior ENCORE Newsletter. - a must read - online or in print.  

Register for Senior Center Activities and Special Events HERE  ("Winter Whimsey" tickets are going fast.) 

Community Centers 

The Front Desk will help you sign up for activities. 
OR contact Karen Phillips, 425-556-2388, for assistance OR email

- Yoder

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Mayor Birney's 2024 Redmond LIGHTS

Artist:  Karl Whiteside
(click picture to enlarge) 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Updated: Redmond Kiwanis Club

You may have seen Redmond folks wearing blue Kiwanis shirts and hats around town.  Or, seen their name on the Senior Center donation plaque. They don't have a sign on the road but they are here and very active.  I was once a member when the Club was founded by retired Redmond Councilmember Pat Vache'.    

According to their Board, "the Redmond Kiwanis Club remains committed to serving our local community with a focus on reducing food insecurity, supporting youth programs, and engaging in outreach activities that foster connections within the area."  

If you're interested in learning more about them or want to join I recommend you reach out to Nika Kahhna.  Her email is:; or visit their website.  Membership is $160/year, an application with BIO and informal interview is required and you need a sponsor.  

-- Happy Holidays,
    Bob Yoder, 12/18/2024

Updated: Marymoor and Downtown Light Rail Stations To Open Spring 2025

Light rail is coming to Downtown Redmond. Earlier this year, we celebrated the opening of Overlake Village Station and Redmond Technology Station, and in the spring of 2025, we will celebrate the opening of two more!

-- City of Redmond Facebook

Monday, December 16, 2024

Kritzer Elected Chair Of Salmon Recovery Council


Redmond Council President Vanessa Kritzer Elected Chair of WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council

REDMOND, WA - City Council President Vanessa Kritzer was elected to serve as chair of the Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8) Salmon Recovery Council, a partnership working to protect and restore salmon habitat in the region, including Redmond’s streams. The watershed is also referred to as Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 8 and covers an area of Puget Sound near the shore and inland from the north end of Elliott Bay to south Everett and east to the Bear Creek basin, the Issaquah Creek basin, and the upper Cedar River basin.

“It’s inspiring to see what we can accomplish when we work together, and I look forward to leading on this vital salmon recovery work. I encourage all residents to join in by learning about what you can to support our salmon and a healthier ecosystem,” said Council President Kritzer.

The WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council is composed of elected representatives from 29 local governments in the WRIA 8 watershed, plus partners and representatives from community organizations, business, environmental interests, and state and federal agencies. The council oversees the implementation of the science-based Chinook Salmon Conservation Plan, a response to the listing of Puget Sound Chinook as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act.

Our watershed is home to multiple species of salmon, including Chinook, coho, and sockeye, as well as kokanee, a small red landlocked species native to Lake Sammamish. Salmon are an important environmental and cultural resource for our region, and their survival depends heavily on our choices. Recovery efforts seek to restore salmon runs to levels that would consistently support sustainable runs for tribal and recreational fishing year-to-year.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Redmond Police Celebrates 'Monumental' FAA Drone Decision

Redmond Police Drone Center

Redmond Police celebrates 'monumental' decision by FAA that approves drone use on more 911 calls. 

Below, is a link to King 5 video story on the Redmond Police Department's innovative drone program ... leading the way within western Washington State:

-- King 5, 11/26/24

12/2024: City Staffer Says Development Has Slowed, Will Remain Flat

Yoder's Cartoon Opinion

Redmond city staffer writes "development in the City has slowed down compared to previous years and will remain relatively flat in the coming years."  

Overall, development in the City has slowed down compared to previous years, and this has had a noticeable impact on revenue. The decline in development activity became evident in 2023, and based on current trends, we anticipate that revenue from development will remain relatively flat in the coming years. Development revenue plays a crucial role in covering the full costs associated with the development staff. This includes salaries, benefits, and other operational expenses tied to the personnel who manage and oversee development projects within the City. Given the importance of development revenue in supporting these staff members, any fluctuations or declines in development activity directly impact our ability to maintain these roles at their current levels. To mitigate the impact of these fluctuations and protect against downturns in development revenue, we maintain a reserve within the Development Review Services fund (listed below). These reserves are designed to provide a financial buffer, ensuring that we can continue to support the necessary staffing and maintain service levels even during periods of lower development activity.

-- E.Z. Interim Financial Planning Manager, 11/6/2024

The 2025 estimated beginning fund balance for the General Fund is $51.9 million, which is used to fund reserves and contingencies that will be carried over and replenished each budget cycle. The remaining surplus is utilized to fund one-time (money) operating service enhancements, capital investments, and technology projects. The following General Fund reserves and contingencies are included in the preliminary budget:


  • Economic Contingency ($4,645,228,000)  ("One-time money" is used exclusively for non-recurring expenses.)  
  • Salary & Benefit Contingency ($5,365,000)
  • Fire Overtime Contingency ($1,600,000)
  • Body Worn Camera Program Reserves ($1,340,144)
  • Opioid Funding Reserves ($557,000)
  • Development Review Services Reserves ($3,619,750)

Posted:  12/15/2024

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Balducci Issues Statement On Harborview Tax Vote


Balducci issues statement on tax vote for Harborview Medical Center


The King County Council on Tuesday approved the so-called “Sunshine Ordinance” which sets the type and rate of county taxes each year, which funds a broad spectrum of basic government services. To fund Harborview Medical Center operations, maintenance and capital expansion, this year’s ordinance includes a dedicated property tax increase of 10 cents per $1,000 of assessed value, costing the average King County homeowner about $7.30 per month.

After Tuesday’s vote, King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci, a member of the King County leadership group that led to the creation of the Harborview funding proposal, released the following statement:

“I am proud of the action we took today to ensure Harborview Medical Center continues serving the people of King County and our region. The public we serve – and the workers who make this hospital so critical to the health of our region – will benefit from the investments we are making. Harborview offers an essential lifeline by prioritizing those most in need of care and compassion with the fewest resources to access it: care for people without insurance, survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, and people with mental illness or substance use issues.

Police Chief Lowe Named To Brown's Transition Committee


Redmond Police Chief Named to Attorney General-Elect Brown’s Transition Committee

REDMOND, WA - Attorney General-Elect Nick Brown announced on Tuesday, Dec. 3, the advisors who will serve on his transition committee. The 30-person team will assist Brown as he prepares to take office.

Brown’s transition team will include Redmond Police Chief Darrell Lowe, who is also president of the WA Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs.

“I’m honored to be part of Attorney General-Elect Brown’s transition team and to provide law enforcement and leadership insights and perspectives he might find useful in setting up his new administration,” said Chief Lowe. 

Comprised of civic leaders from every part of the state, transition committee members will lend expertise from law enforcement, state government, business, non-profits, labor, and tribal affairs.

According to the announcement, the committee will be tasked with establishing Brown’s office and sharpening his agenda and key priorities.   

Thursday, December 5, 2024

King County Launches 10 Additional Behavioral Health Mobile Crisis Teams

This week King County launched new mobile crisis teams to help people experiencing a mental health, drug or alcohol crisis.

Teams travel across the county to de-escalate behavioral health crises and connect people to support services. King County added 10 teams for a total of 27 teams operated by the Downtown Emergency Service Center and Sound Behavioral Health.

“We’re building a robust crisis system where everyone has access to the care they need, when and where they need it — reducing hospital and jail visits,” said King County Executive Dow Constantine. “By expanding the number of mobile response teams, we're on track to ensure people in crisis can get 24/7 help from a specialized behavioral health team.”

Anyone can text or call 988 for help and support.

Seattle Times article, 12/5/24  (1 minute read) 

Posted by Yoder, 12/5/24

King County property taxes fund this service.

Four-week Detour On Redmond Way


Bike and Pedestrian Detour in Downtown Redmond  

As early as the morning of Dec. 9th, Sound Transit’s contractors will be closing a section of sidewalk along Redmond Way and routing people walking or rolling on a temporary detour route. The closure and associated detour will be in place for approximately four weeks.   


The detour route will utilize a section of the future East Lake Sammamish Trail which will open in 2025. Once this temporary detour has been utilized this section of the East Lake Sammamish Trail will be closed until construction is completed in 2025. Please see the map below for more information on the detour route.  

LWSD Data Reveals Alarming Mental Health Challenges Facing Their Seniors

Recent data from the 2023 LWSD 
Healthy Youth Survey reveals the alarming mental health challenges facing high school seniors: 25% report symptoms of depression, 12% have contemplated suicide, and 26% feel they have no adult to confide in. Additionally, 13% have experienced unwanted sexual contact, and 11% identify as “problem” or “heavy” drinkers. These figures underscore an urgent need for expanded access to mental health care.

“The statistics are alarming, but they also highlight the incredible need for a service like Care Solace,” remarked Katy Philips, LWSF Executive Director. “We are grateful for the opportunity to make mental health care more accessible and to work alongside LWSD and the City of Redmond to support our community’s well-being.”

Care Solace connects individuals with a large network of verified mental health providers, addressing issues such as anxiety, depression, substance use, trauma, and more. The service offers 24/7/365 multilingual support in over 200 languages and is available at no cost to all LWSD students, families, and staff, regardless of insurance status.

By offering a centralized hub for connecting individuals to mental health care providers, Care Solace ensures timely, confidential access to services while relieving school staff of the challenging task of referring students to appropriate care. The platform’s database of over 560,000 providers enables efficient connections and ensures that students, especially those from historically underserved communities, receive the right support.

-- Lake Washington Schools Foundation

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Mayor and Council Approve Credit Card Service Fees

The City of Redmond will start charging service fees for credit and debit card payments made online, over the phone and at the counter beginning December 2, 2024.  

Debit and credit cards used by Seniors will be charged fees of  2.75% plus 30 cents.  

Debit and credit cards used for Parks and Recreation registrations will be charged the same.  

Utility bills paid online or by phone will be charged $5.00.

Customers who wish to avoid the fee may pay with check or cash by mail or in person.  

Sources:  Senior "Encore" Newsletter;  City Council meetings

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

CITY WATCH: Updated Community Notes


Lots of comments at tonight's Council meeting on the severe cyclone wind storm.  

One lady complained that the warming stations closed at 8pm.  The community center closed at 8pm.  There was no place to go; no plan.  

Redmond AM 1650 emergency radio wasn't updated or current.  (It's available only in vehicles.) 

I'm a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) volunteer and saw no others during my trek outside.  I had to wave a woman with her toddler away from a downed power line.  She couldn't speak English. 

I was shocked to hear from a reader the City discontinued the CERT program.  He thought Councilmember Forsythe might know why.  Over 35 - 8 week CERT classes were held, now unorganized and unrefreshed.  When the next "Big One" comes our neighborhoods we will be unprepared. 


Plymouth Permanent Supportive Housing is expected to open late 2026.  Evan Sexton, the Plymouth marketing employee said Plymouth will hold open public office hours at the Together Center the second Wednesday of each month, 11am-2pm.  He said they've already had one Advisory Committee meeting. 

The county's Silver Cloud permanent housing staff are looking for community volunteers for the 15 residents housed there. 12 staff members work there!  Staff leaders give me the go-around when I try to help.  

ELECTRIC FIRE ENGINES:   Council President Kritzer prided the city about including the e-fire engine equipment on the budget.  Redmond is the first city on the west coast to pay for one. It was a race with Bellevue.     

CITY ISSUES $100 GIFT CARDS for select citizens participating in a 2-hour workshop on EV infrastructure and EV experiences.  The workshop will be held at the Senior & Community Center where charging stations are located.    

The Mayor purchased 5 new gas-powered snow plows and gave them names.  

-- Bob Yoder, 12/3/24

Monday, December 2, 2024

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Senior Center Art


Kae Bae, Chromatic Equilibrium 2016
Acrylic and Oil, 19x24, $300

Friday, November 22, 2024

Real Estate Agents Clamor for Cottages

Ian, City of Redmond long-range planner, gave a virtual workshop last week describing new Neighborhood Residential Zoning regulations enabling developers to fill the needs for "missing middle housing," as required by the State.  The new zoning begins 1/1/25.  He said that private market partners were especially interested in cottages.  The new zoning would allow up to 8 units on a lot and 6 if environmentally constrained.  They could all be rented.  Regulations on parking are loosened. The maximum height is three stories.  I'm guessing tear downs in the older, large-lot neighborhoods like Education Hill are now more likely.  

Kirkland cottages

Cottages are a way to add housing choice to low density residential neighborhoods. It is a form of missing middle housing. Missing middle housing is a range of housing choice designed to be compatible with existing residential neighborhoods.

Cottage development is identified as a collection of small homes. Instead of large backyards with tall fences, cottages often surround an open space. Open spaces may include children’s play areas, gardens, courtyards, and cooking facilities. If designed with care, cottage development provides community for its inhabitants.

In Kirkland, cottage developments containing less than five units are not required to have a common open space. Cottages within these smaller developments are encouraged to be oriented towards each other in a way to foster a sense of community.

Source:  Community workshop / Internet

-- Posted by Yoder, 11/22/24

Updated: Bomb Cyclone Hits Anderson Park

Four Anderson Park landmark trees were blown down in the same western direction by the eastern winds of the "bomb cyclone.".  

This landmark fir crashed into the well pump station and snapped in half.  Amazingly, it was the only park structure hit by a tree.  Power lines down.  No CERT volunteers present.

This park cottonwood fell in a western direction like all the rest.  The large root
balls will be saved and used in rivers, streams, mitigation banks, for erosion control, soil preservation and salmon habitat.  The city does a great job of installing them in Bear Creek, the Sammamish River. and their flood plains.  These 70-year+ old trees are irreplaceable.  

Photos by Yoder, day after the November 21 "bomb cyclone" 
Posted 11/22/24, updated 11/23

Monday, November 18, 2024

Updated: Mental Health Resonates In Kirkland

Kirkland is becoming the focal point for mental health care on the Eastside.  EvergreenHealth announced in their Fall "Monitor" newsletter they have expanded Behavioral Health into their new Canyon Park Urgent Care.

 One of their patients said:
Thank you for listening to me and helping me to get connected to a psychiatrist.  I feel like I have finally found what works for me, and it has changed my life.  

According to EvergreenHealth, "the initiative at Canyon Park is just a first step." They look forward to expanding behavioral health services to the broader community.  "Behavioral health is an essential line of service that levy funds are helping to expand into the community."

The Emergency Departments of EvergreenHealth have treated mentally vulnerable ill patients over the years...many severe.  Their ER physicians are backed up by highly-trained social workers and a remodeled department.  Treating these complex patients has been a challenge for community-owned EvergreenHealth.  Now...some terrific news for our community and outlying cities.  


As of August, 2024 Kirkland has an amazing new 26-bed mental health "crisis care" service CONNECTIONS to take the burden off Evergreen and expand out-patient behavioral health care.  The Center is Located in Totem Lake behind the Olive Garden in a business complex. 11410 NE 122 Way.  425-650-4005.  

Highlights include: 

  1. A walk-in urgent care facility available 24/7 to serve anyone with a mental health and/or substance use related need. Most folks will be good after being seen in the urgent care clinic and not have additional care needs. 
  1. For people who come to a crisis care center and need a higher level of behavioral health care, there is a 23-hour observation unit. This full spectrum psychiatric setting includes comfortable recliners, nature photography that brings the outdoors in, and natural light.    
  1. For those who need more than 23 hours, the center has a 14-day crisis stabilization unit with 32 beds in rooms with windows letting in natural light. This is a setting able to meet high needs and includes calming rooms and a common space.  
  1. The center also has a meeting space to follow-up with people after they visit a crisis care center and connect them to helpful wellness or social services.  
Share the good news with your friends and family!  The doors are always open to all, with or without insurance.  

Finally, a Health Through Housing (HTH) homeless building is planned for Kirkland.

-- posted by Yoder, 11/18/24  Updated:  12/11/24

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Redmond Historical Society: "Spirit Whales and Sloth Tales"


Saturday Speaker Series

Spirit Whales and Sloth Tales: Fossils of Washington State

Did you miss this excellent presentation by David B. Williams? A recording has been uploaded to the Redmond Historical Society YouTube channel, and will be available until December 31st, 2024.

And, don't forget to check out David's Walks & Talks or his Street Smart Naturalist Newsletter.