Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A "Prayer for Unity" on Election night at Redmond City Hall

On Tuesday, November 8th, this divisive election season will come to an end.  As the nation waits for a decision, we want to use this time to pray for unity. 

I want to invite you to a "Prayer for Unity" on November 8th at 6pm in the front of Redmond City Hall. This is a non-partison, non-denominational Christian prayer open to all.

Our goal is simple: Unite in prayer at Redmond City Hall to worship and pray for our community, nation and world. 

  1. At 5:45, we will gather at the front of City Hall and have a simple acoustic worship. Common songs like Amazing Grace, My Country Tis of Thee. are songs we all share.
  2. At 6:15, Light glow sticks (to symbolize Jesus, the Light of the World and the light that is in us.)
  3. Pray as a community and in small groups.
  4. At 6:45, end with a simple closing song of unification. 
  5. Small groups are welcomed to stay and pray if desired until 8:00pm.
Please plan to park off campus because voters will be driving to the ballot drop-off box.
We do not want political or party focus at this event. We hope it is not a problem, and will politely ask anyone who is sharing or discussing election results to save that discussion for a later time after we dismiss.

Janet Richards
Board Member
Redmond Assembly of God

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