Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Parents/Community Members Needed for LWSD High School Math Adoption Committee

High school math curriculum under review

Redmond, Wash. – Lake Washington School District reviews its curricula on a planned ten-year cycle. Each year several different curriculum committees may be at work. The district’s goal is to provide up-to-date, research-based, appropriate materials to help children learn.

Committees of people with teaching and subject matter expertise help meet this goal. Diverse perspectives and experiences are represented. Teachers, administrators and parents serve on the committees.

This year, an adoption committee will review the 9-12 math curriculum. The district seeks parents/community members to serve on this committee.  Read More >>

Friday, October 2, 2015

UPDATED OPINION: The Downtown Park is diminished by lack of parking

The City of Redmond's "Focus" magazine was recently mailed and featured a two page piece on the Downtown Park.  In it they state:  "The Downtown Park will be a highly visible gathering spot for our entire community".  They failed to mention that there is very limited parking near the Downtown Park so it will be impossible for the ENTIRE COMMUNITY to use it.

This park costs $37,000,000 and it will be used almost entirely by the tenants nearby, not the community at large.  Even Councilmember Richard Cole once said that the Downtown Park was intended for the downtown residents and not the neighborhoods.

As I recall, Steve Feilds told me the Park was designed by very expensive planners from outside our city; and if he were to have it his way he would use city planners, not outsiders.  Also very few of the downtown residents were engaged in the design.  Fields would engage the greater community.

But it is what it is...

By Bob Yoder

Still time to provide input on LWSD facilities long-term strategies

Town Hall on October 7, survey closes October 11

Redmond, Wash. – Parents and community members can still help shape the long-term strategies around school buildings for Lake Washington School District. There are two final opportunities to provide input into the recommendations of the Long-Term Facilities Task Force. The Task Force has held four community meetings and members have attended many PTSA meetings to provide information and get feedback on their draft recommendations.
Community members can participate in a Task Force Town Hall on Wednesday, October 7, at Rose Hill Middle School from 6-8:30 p.m. From 6-7:30 p.m., attendees can review and learn more about the recommendations, then join small discussion groups with task force members. From 7:30 on, task force members will host a Town Hall session, listening to and fielding questions from the audience.
                An online open house  provides information on all of the draft recommendations. A survey on that site is open through October 11.
                Districtwide, enrollment is predicted to increase to more than 30,000 students by 2021-22. That is over 5,000 more students than district schools were built to serve. There is little space left in current school buildings, some of which need to be renovated or replaced due to their age and building conditions.
                The recommendations address classroom capacity issues, cost reduction, efficient use of space and other issues. They also recommend specific projects to be undertaken in the future. Some of the major recommendations concerned capacity, aging facilities and funding.
                The Task Force will review the input collected through these different methods, then meet to determine any potential revisions to the recommendations. They plan to share final recommendations with the school board in November.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Eric Lalibrete: "Why I'm Running for the LWSD school board"

As a member of the LWSD Facilities Task Force, which is responsible for developing a plan for future school construction and optimizing the use of existing buildings, I have learned the importance of engaging stakeholders, and that community-generated planning is more effective than decisions made at the top without consultation.
I want to serve on the Lake Washington School Board to continue fighting for more community engagement and innovative approaches to education.  
As a member of the School Board, I will work collaboratively with teachers and the community to make sure our students are prepared for tomorrow’s jobs and can tackle tomorrow’s problems.  I will take three immediate, practical steps to address school design and ensure our children’s learning is not outdated:
(1) Implement cost-effective design policies to improve education and prevent future capacity problems.
(2) Increase opportunities for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics programs needed to train for jobs of the future.
(3) Improve technology support for teachers, giving them new digital tools for students to practice problem solving and collaboration skills within a real world context.
I have the background and enthusiasm to provide new leadership our District needs.  I appreciate your vote!


My wife and I are life-long Eastside residents, currently residing in the Juanita neighborhood of Kirkland.  
After graduating from the area's public schools, I attended the University of Washington School of Law and earned a J.D., M.B.A and Bachelors in Economics.  I am now an attorney at the Seattle law firm of Keller Rohrback L.L.P, practicing commercial and real estate litigation.
I am also committed to public service.  I am the Chair of the Kirkland Planning Commission.  And I also serve on the Lake Washington School District's Long Term Facilities Planning Task Force and Working Subcommittee.
I am passionate about education and believe that I have the private sector and community service experience needed to address the District's challenges and to plan for the future.

Website:  http://www.voteeric.org/
Eric Lalibrete is challenging President Jackie Pendergrass

Who's running in the LWSD elections?

No challengers filed in the District 5 race, and Bliesner is running unopposed. The other two incumbents face one challenger each. Eric Laliberte is vying for the District 1 seat against incumbent Pendergrass, while Rob Tepper challenges District 2 incumbent Carlson.[1]

The PTSA Council and Dickinson PTSA will hold a forum for school board candidates. It is scheduled for Thursday, October 15th from 7:00 to 8:30 at Redmond High Performing Arts Center.  Unfortunately, Jackie Pendergrass is unable to attend and a PTA volunteer will present prepared responses.  

Learn more about the November 3 election process and school district HERE.

Reported by Bob Yoder

Monday, September 28, 2015

Welcoming the Small Business Development Center at OneRedmond

OneRedmond is proud to announce the new addition to our office in support of Redmond’s small businesses! We would like to introduce Don Yates, Business Advisor, from the Washington Small Business Development Center (SBDC). The SBDC officially has an office in OneRedmond.  OneRedmond knows the importance of providing services for all businesses of Redmond especially small businesses.  Read More >>

Redmond Reporter: Marchione, Fields to meet in Oct. 14 debate

Redmond Mayor John Marchione and challenger Steve Fields will meet in a debate at 7 p.m. Oct. 14 at Emerald Heights Retirement Community, 10901 176th Circle N.E.
Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and shuttle service will begin at 6:15 p.m. from Redmond High School, 17272 N.E. 104th St.
Members of the League of Women Voters will moderate the event and will gather questions on city issues from attendees at the door.
King County Elections will mail ballots Oct. 13 and election day is Nov. 3.
The Redmond Reporter, 9/28/2015

Steve Fields is now available for drop-in conversations

Get to know Steve Fields:
Steve is available for drop-in conversations on Mondays from 10 to 11 AM at Victor’s Celtic Coffee, located at 7993 Gilman St., Redmond, WA 98052, and Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 to 11 AM at his coffee shop, Down Pour Coffee Bar, located at 13200 Old Redmond Road #150, Redmond, WA 98052. Please feel free to stop by to ask any questions, discuss issues, or share any concerns you may have from now until November 3rd! 
Reported by Bob Yoder

PTSA plans a school board Candidate Forum at Redmond High

The PTSA Council and Dickinson PTSA will hold a forum for school board candidates. It is scheduled for Thrusday, October 15 from 7-8:30 p.m. at Redmond High Performing Arts Center.

Reported by Bob Yoder

Lake Washington School District honored as Champion of Sustainability

McKinstry, a full-service, design-build-operate-maintain (DBOM) firm that specializes in energy and facility services, announced that Lake Washington School District (LWSD) will be honored as a Champion of Sustainability during the Sept. 27 Seahawks game at CenturyLink Field. 
In partnership with the Seattle Seahawks, the annual Champions of Sustainability program recognizes one organization during regular-season home games that exhibits a forward-looking approach to innovative energy and waste reduction  Read More >>

City of Redmond releases videos of Steve Fields and John Marchione

The City of Redmond recently released video tapes of Steve Fields and John Marchione explaining why they are running for election, their qualifications and their vision.  Each video takes about 5 minutes to view and is an excellent way to see these candidates express themselves.

To view the videos, click here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jloZo932MhE&sns=em

Reported by Bob Yoder

Redmond Reporter: Redmond Ready: City offers emergency preparedness training

City of Redmond - Courtesy Graphic
City of Redmond
— Image Credit: Courtesy Graphic
In the case of an emergency, the protocol is to call 911.
It usually takes first responders 4-6 minutes to arrive on the scene of an emergency, but Janeen Olson said in the case of a disaster such as a major earthquake, first responders may not even be able to get to the scene as they could be responding to a more serious situation somewhere else in town or their route may be blocked.
Olson, police programming coordinator for the Redmond Police Department, said depending on the scale of the disaster, it could take anywhere from a few hours to several days — or longer — before emergency services can respond to everyone.
Because of this, she said it is important for people to be prepared if this happens.
To help Redmond residents and businesses with this, the city’s Office of Emergency Management(OEM) offers various training opportunities that people can take part in to learn what to do in the case of a disaster.  Read More >>

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Fire Department hosts several open houses to celebrate Fire Prevention Week

Redmond, WA – Redmond Fire Department and King County Fire District 34 are partnering together to host several open houses at local fire stations throughout Fire Prevention Week. Fire Prevention Week is a national campaign and this year’s theme is to promote "Hear the Beep Where You Sleep!”  Read More>>

Sunday, September 20, 2015

LETTER: Q&A with Steve Fields -- The Specifics of his campaign

By Brian Hansford

I recently met Steve Fields, candidate for Redmond Mayor. Redmond is at a pivotal point that needs strategic leadership, management skills, and community engagement. I’m not a fan of voting for a candidate “for the sake of change” and I asked Steve some direct questions on 5 issues important to me. Steve took the time answer my 5 questions in great detail. This is important to share because I think it helps provide information to making voting decisions beyond griping. I encourage Redmond citizens to spend five minutes to read this to help you make an informed voting decision.
Based on Steve’s responses to my questions I have decided to support and vote for him as the next Mayor of Redmond.
Here is my Question and Answer with Steve Fields:
  1. What would you have done differently, if anything, with the approach taken on the two recent failed tax propositions? My understanding is the original public safety levy is expiring. Renewing makes sense - if the money isn't already there. Does the City only ask for money when a perceived ‘crisis’ comes up like an expired tax levy?

Before I answer the basic question of what I would have done differently I would like to clarify a couple of things.
•       There was no expiration of the 2007 Public Safety Levy. The language in the 2015 Levy proposal that was defeated in August states that Council had voted to continue that funding. I think there was confusion on that by voters.
•       The city can ask for new revenue sources based on a number of issues and not necessarily just a crisis. It could be to add or expand services or to cover unmet costs for existing services. I think part of the confusion on this levy is it was presented as both. People were confused.
I would have worked to avoid the need for a tax increase in the first place. There were many poor decisions such as the revision on 166th and the downtown park, and other poorly planned projects that should have not been approved ahead of the basic services included in the levy. Also, I am very confident under my leadership the City will find real cost efficiencies and determine more optimal levels of budget on services. This is what I do best.
The request for a new tax increase should always be very clear and supported by convincing information. The need for increased taxes should be compelling and the impacts of voting yes or no should be clearly understood by voters. The city leadership should be prepared with alternatives and let citizens know what changes will be made if a proposed tax levy is rejected. For example, what will the city do to mitigate the impact of not having the money for the proposed property crime and outreach officers? This should have had already been planned for by the Mayor.

2. Growth Management - how would you approach managing the growth that Redmond is experiencing? Buildings will be built, especially if permits have been approved and issued. Is there really anything to make this growing process less painful?
The City of Redmond does not have a Citywide Strategic Plan that is based on community engagement. You can only manage something as complicated as city building if you have a plan that everyone understands - Especially the people who live here. The city needs a strategic framework that the citizens participate in developing. This framework begins with values tied to the concept of the human scale. Or how will the end state feel, look, and taste to people.
  • Does it feel safe? Are people excited and proud of how it looks? (I.e. Design Standards for new buildings like condos.)
  • Does it accommodate all forms of mobility? (Transit, Bikes, Cars, Walking)
  • Is there a wide variety of shops, restaurants, and business that reflect our character and community identity? (And do small businesses feel confident in coming here)
  • Are there public green spaces and other public land to balance private businesses and residences?
  • Are we ensuring that the eco-system is not being degraded and threatened?
  • Is it laid out so that walking or bicycling makes sense to most people?
  • Adequate Parking, transit, or ways around the city to avoid coming downtown are included in the planning?
All of these things are examples of what we would include in a strategic framework, a way to measure progress, and manage step by step.
A narrow vision will result in a bad plan. Without community values and support from citizens planning is futile. From the UN Guidelines on City Planning “Plans conceived exclusively by technical experts, in isolation; plans using imported approaches that are not adapted to local conditions; and plans based on mechanical and detached assessments may be irrelevant” I would designate a specific group with responsibilities for strategic coordination and inter-departmental cooperation.
3. What can be done to manage traffic? More people in more apartments and condos mean more cars.
This is the difficult one. The elephant in the room of course is what you said in your question. That is, are we growing past our capacity to handle the impact on traffic and congestion? This problem is the poster child for my view that we need to have a detailed Citywide Strategic Plan. That plan would include quality of life objectives and measures that would demonstrate the tipping point from acceptable to unacceptable. I believe the City method to measure growth impact on traffic is outdated. Right now the city looks at each individual project to measure impact on transit. We need to have more proactive methods and out year analysis that tell us when we are not ready or in a position to build more residences. This would be a first priority for me to evaluate. I have ideas but this requires some very skilled people to look at. We need to talk with other cities that have done this well as well as the cities that have done this poorly.  A number of things that could be looked at and these are some of my ideas only:
  • A limited city transit system or shuttle system.
  • Find ways to negotiate more transit service from regional services such as metro and sound transit.
  • Placing limited small shops and stores in neighborhood locations to limit traffic downtown.
  • Look at where roads that bypass downtown could decrease congestion.
  • Look at how the city is spatially constructed and find ways to make typical trips more convenient or less spread out. Right now our downtown area is fragmented. (Does anyone know where the heart of downtown actually is?)
  • And the elephant in the room. We need to consider how to manage the rate of growth.

4. Do you support the impending change of the downtown one way streets to two-way? Personally I think it will be a complete goat rodeo with fewer lanes for more cars to go through.
Support it or not it is absolutely crazy that this was not done BEFORE we built all the new buildings and businesses. But no I don’t support it. Because it is too late to make it make sense. It will reduce parking. It will reduce bicycling. And it will add to the feeling of cramped and unsafe. And it has limited value to the businesses downtown. However I would make this a citizen outreach priority to be certain that the benefits of either changing it or keeping it the same are well understood.
5. Citizen Engagement - how would you engage citizens differently?
This is the heart of what will put our city back on the right track. Many people in our city have lost trust in our government - And for good reasons. As one person recently put it “City Hall has its own agenda and if a citizen voices a concern, then the blow-back attitude is basically ‘we know what's best for you now go away and let us do our thing’".  Not only have I heard this from many other citizen sources, I have also had confirmation about this attitude from a source inside City Hall. It's a real thing.”
It begins at the leadership level. It is a matter of leadership values. I know that talking with people broadens my understanding. Proactive engagement between the government and the citizens is at the heart of a democratic society. It is how we negotiate living together. I would include monthly outreach where along with key staff and department heads would meet with community groups and citizens in their neighborhoods. I would make community engagement and service a major improvement initiative for all city staff. I would empower city staff by encouraging innovation and clear roles. This is a shift in city culture based on values. I would make it easier and meaningful for people to be involved.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

LETTER: Musings on Mayor Marchione and his approach to developing the Downtown

Dear Editor:

As a resident and small business owner in Redmond I want to add my strong support and endorsement of Steve Fields for Mayor of Redmond. Steve’s solid work history shows that he has the right experience for the job. More importantly, he is not only attentive to the concerns of citizens, he actually understands those concerns. When I saw that Steve Fields was running I contacted him via email even though we had never met. He responded to me very quickly and actually asked to meet with me one on one to discuss the issues the city faces. The fact that he actually listens is a welcome relief and that alone makes him one of the most refreshing candidates for any office that I have ever met.

In contrast, the current mayor only seems interested in the feedback of the residents and business owners whose views directly align with his. He uses the fancy buzz phrase that “development should pay for development,” yet development has not paid for development, hence the need for levies to pay for amenities that attract and enrich out-of-town developers.  Read More>>

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Food Drive at Bella Bottega QFC sponsored by the City

Redmond, WA - Members of the Redmond City Council, the Redmond Human Services Commission, and Mayor John Marchione will participate in the Day of Concern for the Hungry by hosting a Food Drive on Saturday, September 19, 2015 and Sunday, September 20, 2015, at the Bella Bottega QFC store located at 8867 161st Avenue NE, Redmond, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day. This year, the Mayor, Councilmembers, and Commissioners, will be asking shoppers to donate “Super Foods” including whole grains, nut butters, and dried fruits in addition to the standard canned goods, such as vegetables, soups, and beans. These donations benefit the Hopelink Food Bank. Last year nearly 5,000 pounds of food was donated by Redmond’s generous community members.

Mayor John Marchione encourages all residents to stop by and donate food or consider hosting a food drive during the month of October. “A food drive is a great employer–employee effort, as well as a great school or neighborhood project to show you care.” This Day of Concern Food Drive is part of a month-long community-wide effort, with other participating cities, Bellevue, Kirkland, Issaquah, Mercer Island, Northbend, and Sammamish. 

OPINION: Vision of the next mayor is essential for setting the direction of the city

OPINION:   I disagree with your assessment of the mayor. I do not think he is perfect, but no one is. I like the vision that the current mayor had for the city and I still think that is the right direction, but it's been a long time since he has articulated it and I'm hoping this election season will spur him to refine and reinform us of where he thinks the city should be headed.

Redmond is an integral part of a large urban core, but it is not Seattle, Bellevue, or Sammamish. I have not found statements from Mr. Fields delineating the future he envisions for the city nor the solutions he proposes for how the city should meet growth requirements or other regulations imposed by federal, state, county, or region. That he advocates listening to the residents is all well and good, but populism is not leadership. Whoever is the next mayor will be setting the direction for city development 5-10 years from now, so vision is essential.

Lynda Feng
Facebook Group "Education Hill in Redmond"   


UPDATED OPINION, 9/28: The culture of Marchione's Administration strangles Council's representation and participation

OPINION:  I have been been at resident of Redmond for over 33 years.  I watch most every city council meeting.  I agree with those rare residents I know who follow city government that something is missing from the council meetings. One of the reasons I'm voting against Marchione is because of his tight grip on the Council on controversial issues.   Only once in a blue moon will a councilmember disagree with the Mayor or his staff and when they do disagree they very rarely speak their mind in a council meeting. I can think of only two instances that a Councilmember publicly disagreed with the Mayor. One was David Carson who said he was against the proposed Redmond Way - Cleveland Street realignment. (He barely got it out but he said it and was ignored by his peers).  The other was when Councilmember Hank Myers and Councilmember Kim Allen spoke out against the many of the medians on 166th Avenue. 

Recently I was at the So Bazzar and ran into Hank Myers. He is a nice man, and a very hard working and capable councilman as are all our councilmembers.  He gave me some insight to his views on Proposition One and Two and the budget.  Was I surprised!  I asked him why he didn't speak up at any council meetings about this.  He promised he would try to be more open about positions in the future -- and this from the most transparent member on Council.   Transparency within Council chambers and Commission meetings is sometimes impeded by the Administration's headlock on Council; transparency builds trust in our government and it is at times lacking by our representatives - no fault of their own.      

John Marchione appears to have an underlying "rule" with Council to keep disagreements and sensitive issues off record so that his meetings run smoothly and scripted to his Administration's plan.  The problem with Marchione's culture is that it strangles council's ability to represent their constituents and speak their minds on sensitive issues. That's a good reason why council meetings are so stale and the everyday resident won't visit City Hall to speak their minds in "Items from the Audience" or watch their meetings.  Having talked with Steve Fields, I know he would allow the Council and Commissioners to be more open when they have personal disagreements or just want to talk and be themselves.

By Bob Yoder 

Private school Brightmont Academy to hold Open Houses

New Brightmont Academy Redmond Campus to Hold Open House Events in October 
Private school specializing in one-to-one instruction for 6th-12th grade students is currently accepting new enrollments at its Redmond Town Center location 

SEATTLE, WASH.  September 17, 2015 – Brightmont Academy, a private school specializing in one-to-one instruction, which recently moved to the Redmond Town Center to accommodate additional students, will be holding several open houses throughout October.  The grand opening celebration will take place on Thursday, October 15 from 4pm-7pm. Open houses will be held on Thursday, October 1 from 4-6pmSaturday, October 10 from 10am-2pm, and Saturday, October 17 from 10am-2pm. The campus is currently accepting enrollments and parents and students are encouraged to attend to learn more about the one-to-one school.

Brightmont Academy specializes in one-to-one instruction where one experienced teacher works with one student throughout every learning session. Beginning its 16th year serving the Seattle metro area, the new Redmond campus includes additional individual learning rooms, a science lab, a new homework studio and a full kitchen.

The new design of the Redmond campus includes 17 individual learning rooms to effectively facilitate one-to-one instruction and a student gathering area with a full kitchen and lunch room that will provide students with a comfortable space and encourage socializing during break times. A science lab will enable students to complete more complex labs with safety in mind, and a new, quiet homework studio provides an area for independent work.  Read More>>

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Long Term facility planning in LWSD - take the online survey!

Long-term facility planning in LWSD

Visit the task force page to learn more about its work and sign up for updates. Visit the online open house to view draft recommendations and provide feedback to the committee. Survey is open through October 11.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Seattle Times recommends Chris Carlson for LWSD school director District 2

The Seattle Times recommends Chris Carlson for LWSD school director District 2


Saturday, September 12, 2015

LETTER: The Bear Creek restoration project was much more than Marchione's doing

A Redmond resident wrote a  September 11 Letter to the Editor saying that “ John Marchione single handily convinced our state representatives to find money for the recently completed $10 million restoration project on lower Bear Creek.”  This statement is a complete misrepresentation. 
Here’s how it played out:  A citizen sent pictures of flooding on 520 to Finance Chair Representative Ross Hunter.  Councilmembers Kim Allen, Richard Cole, and Nancy McCormick traveled to Olympia to lobby Ross for funding of the lower Bear Creek restoration.  Ross Hunter was impressed by the pictures and the lobbying and called Representative Deb Eddy who contacted the Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for funding.  Councilmember Hank Myers also had a long conversation with WSDOT.  John Marchione may have had some input at that point – I don’t know – but the accomplishment involved more than his sole participation.  The citizen’s Letter also erroneously stated the Bear Creek restoration was a $10 million project when in fact it was a $12 million dollar project with the City of Redmond contributing only $2 million.  The citizen slanted his Letter to favor Marchione’s campaign.  We should give our councilmembers and state representatives credit where credit is due. The Bear Creek restoration project was much more than Marchione’s doing. 

Pam and Bob Yoder

LETTER: The Mayor faces a Highly Qualified Challenger

I would like to post some Marchione Letters to have a more balanced blog but none have been submitted.

The Mayor faces a Highly-Qualified Challenger

We haven’t had a mayoral race that has been contested for eight years. As a resident of Redmond for over 18 years, I have been intrigued by the growing excitement over Redmond’s mayoral race, our only competitive municipal race this year.

I’ve known Steve Fields personally and professionally for most of those 18 years. I’m glad to see a highly-qualified candidate taking the initiative to run for mayor to change the status quo and move Redmond forward with new leadership. As a voter, it is refreshing to place my confidence in a strong candidate with fresh ideas and vote for change.

As a small business owner I interacted with Steve over the past decade where he worked in the Executive Office at King County and the City of Seattle advising on policy, performance improvement, and budgeting. I found his approach to solving problems to be very creative while keeping budgetary goals in mind.

His everyday responsibilities were to manage government and find innovative ways to make it better for its stakeholders: we the people. He worked across all levels of the organizations improving operations for the Department of Transportation and the Department of Natural Resources and Parks. He has expertise in capital investment and implementing new efficiency methods and systems for all departments.

From my experience, I think Steve is a candidate that took his wealth of private sector experience in finance and contracts working with government agencies and translated those skills to become a successful public servant in local government.

Join me and many of my friends and neighbors in voting for Steve Fields to lead a government that will better serve its citizens.

By Art Olsen