OPINION: I have been been at resident of Redmond for over 33 years. I watch most every city council meeting. I agree with those rare residents I know who follow city government that something is missing from the council meetings. One of the reasons I'm voting against Marchione is because of his tight grip on the Council on controversial issues. Only once in a blue moon will a councilmember disagree with the Mayor or his staff and when they do disagree they very rarely speak their mind in a council meeting. I can think of only two instances that a Councilmember publicly disagreed with the Mayor. One was David Carson who said he was against the proposed Redmond Way - Cleveland Street realignment. (He barely got it out but he said it and was ignored by his peers). The other was when Councilmember Hank Myers and Councilmember Kim Allen spoke out against the many of the medians on 166th Avenue.
Recently I was at the So Bazzar and ran into Hank Myers. He is a nice man, and a very hard working and capable councilman as are all our councilmembers. He gave me some insight to his views on Proposition One and Two and the budget. Was I surprised! I asked him why he didn't speak up at any council meetings about this. He promised he would try to be more open about positions in the future -- and this from the most transparent member on Council. Transparency within Council chambers and Commission meetings is sometimes impeded by the Administration's headlock on Council; transparency builds trust in our government and it is at times lacking by our representatives - no fault of their own.
John Marchione appears to have an underlying "rule" with Council to keep disagreements and sensitive issues off record so that his meetings run smoothly and scripted to his Administration's plan. The problem with Marchione's culture is that it strangles council's ability to represent their constituents and speak their minds on sensitive issues. That's a good reason why council meetings are so stale and the everyday resident won't visit City Hall to speak their minds in "Items from the Audience" or watch their meetings. Having talked with Steve Fields, I know he would allow the Council and Commissioners to be more open when they have personal disagreements or just want to talk and be themselves.
By Bob Yoder
Recently I was at the So Bazzar and ran into Hank Myers. He is a nice man, and a very hard working and capable councilman as are all our councilmembers. He gave me some insight to his views on Proposition One and Two and the budget. Was I surprised! I asked him why he didn't speak up at any council meetings about this. He promised he would try to be more open about positions in the future -- and this from the most transparent member on Council. Transparency within Council chambers and Commission meetings is sometimes impeded by the Administration's headlock on Council; transparency builds trust in our government and it is at times lacking by our representatives - no fault of their own.
John Marchione appears to have an underlying "rule" with Council to keep disagreements and sensitive issues off record so that his meetings run smoothly and scripted to his Administration's plan. The problem with Marchione's culture is that it strangles council's ability to represent their constituents and speak their minds on sensitive issues. That's a good reason why council meetings are so stale and the everyday resident won't visit City Hall to speak their minds in "Items from the Audience" or watch their meetings. Having talked with Steve Fields, I know he would allow the Council and Commissioners to be more open when they have personal disagreements or just want to talk and be themselves.
By Bob Yoder
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