Saturday, April 18, 2015

City to hold three public meetings to get feedback on Parks & Rec plan update

Redmond, WAThe City of Redmond invites everyone who uses Redmond’s parks, arts, and recreation facilities and programs to participate in the Future of Fun initiative, which will result in the update of the Parks and Recreation Department’s long range plan for capital projects. The Parks, Arts, Recreation, Culture and Conservation Plan is updated every six years. Now is the time to get involved and help create a renewed vision. You can participate by attending a meeting, engaging in our online platform, and participating in a survey.
Three public meetings will be held in May throughout the City. The meetings will take place from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm, with a short presentation at 6:30 followed by small group discussions about arts and culture, parks and recreation, trails, and conservation. The meetings will be held on the following dates:  Read More >>

Thursday, April 16, 2015

OPINION: Blog reader spots a Mercedes city Public Works vehicle

A Redmond Neighborhood Blog reader, Sue Peak Hogeboom reported that she noticed a City Public Works vehicle that was a Mercedes.  She was concerned our tax dollars were being spent extravagantly and wrote the Mayor about it.  Below is the City's response:

"Thank you for your inquiry. You are correct the City is proposing a levy in order to meet critical city service needs. We work diligently to use the taxpayers’ money in the most efficient way and an example of that is the purchase of City Fleet vehicles. Whereas it may look like the purchase of a Mercedes vehicle is not cost effective, in actuality we purchased this vehicle through the Washington State contract which yields the lowest costs to public agencies. We did explore purchasing a similar U.S. made vehicle but found that it would have cost more. Thank you for expressing your interest in ensuring the City is being fiscally responsible."

Mayor, City of Redmond

What do you think?  Does this satisfy you?

BECU Celebrating 80th Anniversary by "Closing for Good"

BECU locations to open late on October 20th as 1300 employees lead financial literacy workshops
Tukwila, April 16, 2015 – BECU announced today that it is closing its doors for part of the day on Tuesday, October 20, sending its 1,300 employees to lead Financial Reality Fairs in high schools across Washington State. “Closing for Good” will reach at least 2,500 students. The initiative is part of BECU’s 80th anniversary celebration as a not-for-profit credit union dedicated to community involvement. The event is also part of an internal BECU initiative giving employees paid volunteer time off. BECU’s financial centers will reopen at 1 p.m.
“As a credit union, our primary motivation is making a difference for our members and our community,” said BECU CEO Benson Porter. “Through ‘Closing for Good,’ we want to make sure the teens in our community have a high level of financial literacy as they embark on their adult lives.”
During the workshops, students will participate in a hands-on financial role play simulation. Students are assigned a career and starting salary, then must make decisions about housing, utilities, food, transportation and other expenses.
“’Closing for Good’ is all about experiencing the real-life budgeting decisions people face every day,” added Porter. “We want to give teens a chance to think about their financial choices analytically, so that when the time comes, they can make educated decisions.”  Read More>>

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Council Study Session on Human Resources, City Growth, and Tree Canopy

The March 14 Redmond City Council study session included some interesting topics on 1) human resources, 2) city communication regarding rapid growth, and 3) the city's tree canopy.

HUMAN RESOURCES:  Melody Mathes, Director of Human Resources stated their employee turnover rate was lower than the state and region.  Though this bodes well, she was concerned that it is becoming a little more difficult to retain workers (owing to salaries).  In fact, she said she would be evaluating salaries for possible increases!

CITY GROWTH:  There was a reported dip down in whether the community thought the city was heading in the right direction...from 2013.  There was also a dip down in whether the community thought the city was communicating well with the public.  Jane Christianson, Deputy City Administrator suggested the city needed to communicate better about the rapid growth downtown.  Councilmember Stilin said there are two audiences:  One group that favors the change to Cleveland Street and all the high rises going up and another group that opposes these changes.  President Hank Margeson looked at the complainers as "toddlers" that haven't grown up yet.  Councilmember Kim Allen said a brochure that explained why Redmond is undergoing all this growth would be helpful.

TREE CANOPY:  It has been scientifically determined that the tree canopy in the city is 39%...about equal to Kirkland.  This includes the watershed preserve.  63 acres of tree canopy were lost to development since 2009 (2.5%).  This figure does not include the loss of tree canopy to development at Overlake's Group Health property.  37 acres of canopy was lost in North Redmond between 2009-2013.  10  acres was lost on Education Hill.  Of course continued development in 2014 and 2015 will further destroy canopy.  From three years of data 376 landmark trees have been removed.  President Hank Margeson roughly calculated that Group Health's Capstone development so far has planted 1500 of the 3000 trees that they are obligated to plant and he asked Planner Cathy Beam to stay on top of this.  Councilmember Kim Allen says the city should strive for "no net loss of trees and even increase their numbers."  Developers are supposed to pay $250/tree into a tree replacement fund for every tree they can't replace.  So far the city has planted 12,000 trees (not counting Capstone) from this fund and used it to pay for tree maintenance to ensure survivability. 

Reported by Bob Yoder

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

LWSD Facilities Planning Task Force seeks input online and at April 29 meeting

Redmond, Wash. – Lake Washington School District’s Long-Term Facilities Planning Task Force seeks community input on how to address the district’s classroom capacity needs and aging facilities. Feedback will be gathered through an online open house April 20-28 and at the Task Force’s April 29 meeting.
The Task Force's Working Subcommittee (WSC) will use a framework of resource levels to help develop recommendations. This framework builds on what they have learned and discussed about the district’s capacity, enrollment, building conditions and other topics. The framework provides an organizing structure for potential levels of investment. It also compares and contrasts trade-offs for different strategies.
The district invites the community to review the framework and provide feedback. The Task Force will use this input in its work.
Visit and provide input via the online open house beginning April 20
The framework will be added to the online open house. Provide input by reviewing the framework and answering questions on the online open house between April 20 and April 28.
The online open house is an ongoing opportunity to be part of the conversation about the district’s facilities challenges. It will continue to be updated at key milestones. The open house will stay online until the Task Force makes its final recommendation. That recommendation is expected in June 2015.
Attend the Task Force’s April 29 meeting
The Task Force will meet on April 29 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at Rose Hill Middle School Commons. The meeting will include a workshop session. In that session, community members are invited to join the Task Force in small group conversations about the framework, resource levels and strategies. Following the workshop session, the Task Force will meet and provide guidance to the WSC on the framework based on community input.
The WSC will use the Task Force’s guidance and the framework to evaluate costs considering different conditions. For example, the currently projected needs and class size reductions being considered in the legislature have different facility implications.  This input and further feedback opportunities this spring will help the WSC and Task Force develop final recommendations.

Friday, April 10, 2015

City of Redmond pro and con letters for levy requested

Letters of Interest Due to Serve on Property Tax Levy Committees

Effective Immediately
April 8, 2015

Redmond, WAThe City of Redmond is requesting letters of interest from citizens interested in serving on one of two Property Tax Levy Committees.  Letters are due to the City Clerk by April 24, 2015 and should state citizen’s interest and qualifications for appointment consideration.  
Residents serving on these committees are responsible for writing arguments for voters’ pro and con positions for each of two property tax levy ballot measures scheduled for August 4, 2015.  One Ballot measure will address a Public Safety, Neighborhood Infrastructure Safety, and Walkability levy and one will address a Parks levy.  These arguments must be filed with King County by May 18, with rebuttals filed by May 20. In addition to writing ballot arguments, residents serving on these committees (up to three people per committee) will be responsible for responding to media and citizen questions on the ballot measure over the next three months. 
Residents who would like to be considered to serve on these committees should submit their letter of interest to the City Clerk, City of Redmond, PO Box 97010, Redmond, WA 98073-9710 or by 4pm on Friday, April 24, 2015. Appointments to the committees will be made by the City Council on April 28, 2015 and submitted to King County by May 12, 2015.
For more information, please contact Lisa Rhodes, Communications Manager, at or 425-556-2427. This press release is available on

Cities of Redmond and Kirkland hold joint meeting to discuss aquatic-recreation center

The city councils and mayors of Redmond and Kirkland met for a joint meeting in Kirkland on March 31.  The topic that drew the most discussion was a joint aquatic recreation community center.
Mayor Marchione said "our timeline for a decision is 2-3 years and we need to identify the site before we ask the public for money."  Redmond had originally planned for a pool and recreation center on one site (near City Hall) but Councilmember Flynn said the space may be insufficient to hold both. 

As the discussion went on it appeared a consensus was forming that it might be better to scale down the site to just a pool -- on "Snyder's Corner" -- property owned by the City of Kirkland on 132nd Ave.  Councilmembers Doreen Marchione, the Kirkland mayor,  David Carson, Hank Myers, Kim Allen and Tom Flynn all agreed Snyder's Corner might be an attractive location  Toby Nixon said if you combined the city of Redmond with Kirkland it would be the 5th largest city in the State and it is important that both cities work together.  Councilmember Stilin felt an aquatic-recreational center must be downtown near mass transit.  Councilmember Margeson said "getting around Redmond" is the number one concern Redmond residents have and finding a suitable location is difficult.

The Redmond Council plans to discuss building a scaled down version of a pool and rec center and the Kirkland mayor said they would be willing to delay their financing plans to meet Redmond's needs for planning.  Both cities have considered $60-$70 million aquatic recreation centers but are having problems with finding locations and financing.

Reported By Bob Yoder
Source:  City of Kirkland Website

Thursday, April 9, 2015

King County's "Safety Levy" is up for a vote on April 28th

Rally in Support of Prop. 1 with King County Executive and Regional Public Safety Leaders Encourages Voters to Approve Necessary Safety Levy
Campaign Co-chairs, King County Sheriff John Urquhart and Kathleen O’Toole, tell voters to Approve Prop. 1 for public safety on their Special Election ballots.
SEATTLE – Led by Approve Prop. 1 Campaign Co-chairs, King County Sheriff John Urquhart and Kathleen O’Toole, and King County Executive Dow Constantine, a large group of regional public safety leaders gathered in front of the Fallen Firefighters Memorial in Pioneer Square to voice their collective support for Prop. 1 – the Public Safety Emergency Radio Network Replacement Project.
Voters throughout King County will soon be receiving their ballots in the mail for the Special Election being held on April 28th. King County Executive Dow Constantine remarked at the beginning of the rally, “As we speak, ballots are being mailed to give King County voters the opportunity to fix our outdated emergency response radio system.  A vote to approve Prop. 1 will ensure that police, firefighters and other first responders can communicate and take action to protect lives and property."
Prop. 1 would allow King County to update our dangerously outdated emergency communications system for police, fire, Medic One and other emergency first responders. The rally today was a clear example of strong, unified support among the county’s many different emergency response agencies.
Speaking to the importance of an improved radio network for emergency first responders, Co-chair Kathleen O’Toole said, “When our officers can’t ask for the help they need on their outdated radios, we endanger the public and we endanger our first responders themselves.”
The current system was built in 1992 for a smaller population living in different locations. Co-chair Sheriff John Urquhart remarked, “The hazards of an outdated system – dropped calls and gaps in coverage – will continue to get worse if we don’t fix our aging radio network. Voters must approve Prop. 1 for public safety.”
Attendees and other speakers at the rally displayed a deep show of support from many of the campaign’s long list of fire, law enforcement, Medic One and elected officials from throughout King County, including: Seattle Police Officers’ Guild President Ron Smith, Local Firefighters from throughout King County and Dispatch Union Members.
For more information about Prop. 1 and a complete list of endorsements, please visit our website:

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

"Sustainable Redmond" Spring Speaker Series

Evans& Bear Creek Restoration to be Featured at April 16 Meeting
Sustainable Redmond Spring Speaker Series Continues at Redmond Library
 Sustainable Redmond will hold the second of its Spring Speaker Series at 7pm on Thursday, April 16th at the Redmond Library.  This meeting is open to everyone and all are welcome to attend.
 Water Tenders, a local group focused on Bear Creek and its tributaries. will provide the featured speakers for this informative meeting.  Among the topics will be Evans Creek, particularly as it traverses the new Keller Farm Wetland Bank where it joins Bear Creek, and the recently-completed restoration efforts to preserve the water quality and habitat values of Bear Creek as it makes its way north of State Route 520 to join the Sammamish River just west of Redmond Town Center.
Bring your friends to learn more about these important environmental initiatives and the continuing efforts of Sustainable Redmond.  The meeting will conclude at 8:30pm.
For more information, see Sustainable Redmond on Facebook or contact the program organizer by email --

Council approves two Levy Propositions for August 2015 ballot

The City Council approved two Propositions to be placed on the August, 2015 ballot as summarized below:   How are you going to vote?  It is estimated the levy would cost $154 per year on a house appraised at $500,000.

Based on discussions to date, the first proposition (Proposition No. 1) will continue the

support for the 2007 levy lid lift which increased firefighters and police personnel to

provide additional emergency services, maintain the school resource officer program and

fund additional patrol. In addition, the new levy will add Police funding to reduce

property crime, increase patrol, and augment evidence processing capabilities. The new

public safety levy would also include transportation safety and maintenance programs by

investing in asphalt maintenance, sidewalks, crosswalks, and safe pedestrian crossings.

Proposition No. 2 is focused on park maintenance and operations and investing in

Idylwood, Southeast, and Northeast neighborhood parks. This proposition also continues

the programs supported by the 2007 levy by maintaining funding for park operations, the

teen center, conservation activities, and after school programs.

Monday, April 6, 2015

City is holding a public hearing regarding potential levy

Redmond, WA - The City of Redmond is holding a public hearing regarding a potential ballot levy measure at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 7, 2015, at Redmond City Hall: 15670 NE 85th Street, Redmond, WA. Citizens are encouraged to attend the meeting or send their thoughts and opinions via email to

For more information about the potential six year tax levy that Redmond voters would have an opportunity to consider on the August 4th election, please visit: If you have questions, please contact Lisa Rhodes, Communications Manager, at or 425-556-2427.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Join NAMI for their 11th Annual NAMI Walk

Saturday, June 6th 2015 at Marina Park in KirklandThe 11th annual NAMI WALK of Washington will take place on June 6, 2015 at Marina Park in Kirkland. The WALK is the primary fundraising event for NAMI Washington and the state’s 22 National Alliance on Mental Illness affiliates. The event also serves to promote mental health awareness and remind people that NAMI exists across Washington to help individuals with mental illness and their families. 
We are planning our LARGEST and most FUN Walk ever! You can learn more about NAMI WALKS and register online at Your participation in this year’s Walk will make a huge difference in our community! Register today or contact Tom Lane at or 206-783-4288 to learn more about this year’s Walk. Be sure to designate NAMI Eastside as the recipient of your donation.

Redmond Presbyterian Church Announces 50th Anniversary Legacy Celebrations

Events to honor church’s founding, five decades of ministries and service in the community
Redmond, WA – Redmond Presbyterian Church (RPC) today announced plans to celebrate its 50th anniversary with special events taking place throughout April and May. The church was founded in 1965 on a 3-acre site atop Redmond's Education Hill and today has a vibrant, multigenerational congregation of over 250 members and friends. Read More >>

Friday, March 27, 2015

Brigitte Tennis to be inducted into National Teachers Hall of Fame

Stella Schola founder honored at surprise assembly
Redmond, Wash. – At the end of the school day, Brigitte Tennis had her students finish the frog dissection lesson a little early. She asked them to collect their netbooks and led them to the school cafeteria. She had been informed that these student computers all needed an update to be prepared for state testing and that techs were waiting to do the work. Instead of computer techs, the surprise was on her. Mrs. Tennis learned that she has been selected for induction into the National Teachers Hall of Fame (NTHF) as one of five members of the Class of 2015.
Mrs. Tennis has taught in Lake Washington School District since 1981, at Stella Schola since 2000. She is an enthusiastic and positive teacher. Principal Erin Bowser noted, ““Clearly, Mrs. Tennis is a busy person; yet she never is too busy to sit down one on one with a student before or after school to help.  Time and time again, she sets everything aside to help her students.  She has established a safe community where students feel welcome, whether they are in her class this year or fifteen years ago.”  Read More>>

House Democrats unveil their 2015-17 operating budget plan -- Will add $3.2 billion to K-12 investments

OLYMPIA – House Democrats unveiled their 2015-17 operating budget plan on Friday – a budget that will add $3.2 billion in additional K-12 investments over the next two years compared to the 2013-15 budget. The HDC proposal is the first budget proposal on the table that puts the state in full compliance with the Supreme Court’s McCleary ruling, which mandates the state adequately fund basic education by 2018.

“After seven years of cuts totaling more than $12 billion, we have to take an honest look at the state of our state,” said House Majority Leader Rep. Pat Sullivan (D-Covington). “We have to ask: ‘Is this really what we want?’ This budget is a stand against mediocrity. Just being ‘Okay’ is not acceptable.”
“This budget keeps our promises to Washington’s one million kids,” said Rep. Ross Hunter (D-Medina), House Appropriations Chair. “We’re making the biggest investment in student success, mental health, and middle-class families that our state has seen in decades. It’s a responsible budget that meets the needs of our state and balances over four years.”Highlights included in the House Democratic Budget Proposal:  Read More >>

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Blood Drive March 31 on Education Hill

This week we began supporting 3 patients at the University of Washington Medical Center who recently underwent organ transplants.
This life saving treatment has required the help of over 110 donors in our community!
Without donors like you, this wouldn’t be possible.
Tuesday, March 31st
Redmond United Methodist
16540 NE 80th Street
1 pm to 7pm
(closed 3 to 4 pm)
To schedule an appointment, please contact Bonnie at:
*Photo ID or Donor Card Required!*

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Large wood installation on Mackey Creek - public comments accepted

This summer, approximately 15 logs will be placed in Mackey Creek, just upstream of its confluence with Bear Creek, near NE 106th Street and Avondale Road NE. The use of wood in this project will compliment reshaping of the stream channel and reconnection with an adjacent wetland pond. The site was formerly a private residence and dog kennel, but all structures have been removed following the property’s purchase by King County. Mackey Creek is too small to support instream recreation. All large wood will be securely anchored to prevent its transport downstream.

The project plans and Instream Project Design Checklist are posted on King County's large wood installation projects web page. The design team will be accepting comments from the public through April 6, 2015.

To submit comments or for more information, contact Laird O’Rollins, Project Manager, King County Ecological Restoration and Engineering Services Unit at 206-477-4790 or

2015 Walkable Washington Symposium & Awards on April 2 to be held at Redmond City Hall

Excitement is escalating for the 2015 Walkable Washington Symposium & Awards on Thursday, April 2
From Seattle Mayor Ed Murray’s recent introduction of his ten-year transportation vision called Move Seattle that includes long-term plans to make the city more walkable to the celebratory Opening Day for Trails with several guided walks in Spokane, Washington has walking on its mind.
The new prioritizing for people means perfect timing for the state’s only event designed to provide a learning forum, creative networking opportunities, helpful resources, and awards to organizations and cities building healthy, livable and walkable communities. The Walkable Washington Symposium & Awards held on Thursday April 2, 2015 from 9am-4pm, offers a fun learning environment with sessions moderated by experts to discuss projects and programs implemented in recent years throughout the state.
Over 100 leaders, planners, engineers, educators, and advocates from across the state will attend this event, hosted by Feet First, to educate, energize and inspire the next generation of leaders. As evidenced by the latest Feet First map of case studies of projects and programs across Washington, there is tremendous interest in making Washington’s communities safer, easier, and more inviting for people to walk.
“We are thrilled to bring a diverse representation of people from across the state to celebrate walkable and livable communities. Our annual Symposium & Awards event creates a unique opportunity for speakers and participants to share, learn, and network, which takes the walking movement in Washington to a whole new level,” Lisa Quinn, Executive Director, Feet First.
Attendees will enjoy a diverse array of presentations, opportunities for networking with peers from across the state, and other engaging highlights throughout the day:
·         Welcoming remarks from the City of Redmond’s Mayor, John Marchione.
·         Keynote address by stirring guest speaker Dan Burden, Civic Visionary and Walkability Expert at Blue Zones.
·         A WALKshop of the Redmond Central Connector that highlights the integrated art, lighting, future downtown park, and urban plazas along the paved trail, knitting together over 60 miles of the East Lake Sammamish and Sammamish River Trails.
·         The 2015 Innovation Awards, which recognize outstanding programs and projects from across the state that promote healthy, livable, and walkable communities.
·         A chance to experience a unique form of digital communication, Trace, which invites people to explore the shape of walks.
The Walkable Washington Symposium & Awards is scheduled for 9 am to 4 pm, Thursday April 2, 2015 at Redmond City Hall, 15670 Northeast 85th Street. The City of Redmond was a 2014 Innovation Award Winner.
The Walkable Washington Symposium & Awards also provides 3.5 American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) continuing education credits.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Eastside Republican Club announces scholarship essay contest

The Eastside Republican Club (ERC) has announced its scholarship essay contest for 2015. ERC will award a $1,000 scholarship to the author of the first place essay, a $750 scholarship to the author of the second place essay, and a $500 scholarship to the author of the third place essay, as determined by the Club’s judges, submitted on the following topic:
“What is the price of freedom of speech?”
The winners will be announced at the May 5, 2015, meeting of the ERC.
Entrants must be currently enrolled as high school students graduating in 2015, or as freshmen or sophomores in an accredited college or university. Submitters must either permanently reside in, or be attending a public, private, or home school located in, King County, Washington.
Essays must be submitted in Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX), plain text (TXT), or Portable Document Format (PDF) format, must not exceed 500 words in length, and must be in English. Submissions must be received by 11:59 PM on Friday, April 10, 2015. Email entries to:
For more information about the scholarship program and its rules, see:

Community Invited to Celebrate Cleveland Street

Redmond, WA – The community is invited to celebrate the grand opening of Cleveland Street on Wednesday, March 25 from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM

. Join Mayor John Marchione and the Redmond City Council on Cleveland Street between 161st Ave NE and Leary Way for a 7:00 PM program and ribbon cutting. Guests will be introduced to Redmond’s new Moving Arts Center, while enjoying festive music and food samples provided by several local restaurants.

Cleveland Street, Redmond’s new Main Street, looks different than other streets: its design, parking and amenities encourage its use for 18-hour days. Decorative lighting continues the historic theme, while specialty catenary lights encourage more evening activity and provide connection between the Redmond Central Connector and Downtown Park. New landscape areas, wider sidewalks and small plazas provide more pedestrian opportunities to enhance the Downtown’s economic vitality.
The Cleveland Streetscape project, which is located on Cleveland Street between 161st Ave NE and 164th Ave NE, began construction in January of 2014. The project follows ten public and private development projects in the historic core in just the last seven years. These projects are all part of a 20 year vision for Downtown Redmond which includes supporting an urban environment that accommodates the City’s share of regional growth; offers a connected street grid with new street connections; provides bike, walk and transit access; prepares for conversion of Redmond Way and Cleveland Street to 2-way traffic; and supports opportunities for events, arts and culture.
More information about Cleveland Street, as well as other Downtown projects is available at For more information on the Cleveland Street grand opening, contact Jill Smith at 425.556.2448 or This press release is available on

City of Redmond Seeks Public Comments on Potential Levy

Redmond, WA – The City of Redmond is seeking public comment on a potential levy that would provide additional resources needed for public safety, city infrastructure, and a greener Redmond. Citizens are encouraged to send their thoughts and opinions via email to or attend the April 7, 2015 City Council meeting at Redmond City Hall: 15670 NE 85th Street, Redmond WA. A public hearing regarding the ballot levy measure will be taking place during the April 7 Council meeting.

For more information about the potential six year tax levy that Redmond voters would have an opportunity to consider in the August 4th election, please visit: If you have questions, please contact Lisa Rhodes, Communications Manager, at or 425-556-2427. This press release is available on

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Redmond Mayor's new salary to be $137,000

After vetting during two study sessions the Redmond City Council arrived at a new salary for the Mayor at $137,000 per year for the next five years and a $500/month car allowance.  The increase in salary was attributed to a cost of living increase (and not a performance review).  The new salary will go in effect January 1, 2016,

Reported by Bob Yoder

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Willowmoor Floodplain Restoration Project

To learn about this proposed restoration project along the Sammamish River in Marymoor Park  view this video and take the survey.  The project is designed to improve fish habitat, flood controls, and stabilize the level of Lake Sammamish.  An Advisory Committee of citizens has been meeting for over a year to come up with alternatives to the present "transition zone channel" which is currently choked with willows and needs expensive maintenance to increase flows.  You can view the proposed alternatives at the links below:

View the project video!
  • Take our online survey!  


    Friday, March 13, 2015

    Lake Washington School District reviews all high school sports teams for gender equity

    KIRO 7 posted the following story and video HERE about LWSD's decision to review gender equity on all their high school sports teams.  The conflict began with Lake Washington High School girls softball team having to play games on a practice field while the boys baseball team got to play at the Kirkland stadium under lights.  LWSD under Title IX must to provide equal sports facilities for both genders.

    Tomorrow is "National Pie Day"

    If you are a mathematician or not, tomorrow is "National Pie Day".  3.1415... So make sure you have pie for desert in celebration!  LOL