Tuesday, January 27, 2015

LWSD boundary changes approved

Changes to rebalance growing enrollment
Redmond, Wash. – Lake Washington School District is facing an immediate need to house its growing enrollment. That enrollment has increased close to 2,000 students over the last three years to 26,708. A process to change neighborhood school boundaries began in September. It concluded last night as the district’s Board of Directors voted unanimously to accept a set of recommendations for boundary changes.
The changes enable the district to most efficiently use current school buildings to house the growing enrollment.
“We have this issue because we have more and more students coming to our schools,” noted Jackie Pendergrass, president of the district’s Board of Directors. “They deserve to have a place to be educated.”  Read More >>

OPINION: Board's decision on reboundary is disappointing

OPINION, By Ritu/Reetu Gupta, Parent and Taxpayer
I am very disappointed by the decision made by the board yesterday to move forward with the recommendation of re-boundary. Board meeting felt like a pre-scripted play where outcome was already determined and meeting was just a formality. Ironically board and district were patting on their backs for how wonderful job district has done while room was packed with unsatisfied parents and tax payers complaining about the process, lack of communication, and irresponsible recommendations by the district.
A decision to put more students in overcrowded EMS while you have close to over 200 available capacity in Rose Hill and Finn Hill Middle School is most reckless decision I have seen. It’s like giving one extra push to someone who is already slipping (EMS), instead of giving them a helping hand and rescue them.  Read More >>

Monday, January 26, 2015

Avoid IRS Telephone Scams This Tax Season

With recent reports of tax scams in the 2015 tax filing season, Redmond Police Department reminds citizens to avoid being victimized over the telephone by Internal Revenue Service (IRS) impersonators.
The IRS reports a surge in phone scams in recent months. Agent impersonators are known to call citizens and demand payment, sometimes threatening police arrest, deportation and license revocation. Scam artists often alter caller ID numbers to make it appear like the IRS is calling and use fake names and badge numbers. The criminals rely on such threats to scare citizens into providing their financial information. Those whose first language is not English and the elderly community are among the most commonly targeted groups.

The IRS will never initiate first contact with taxpayers over the phone; notification is typically made via mail. A new video was recently released by the IRS with tips to avoid being scammed.
The IRS will never:
  • Call to demand immediate payment, nor will the agency call about taxes owed without first having mailed you a bill.
  • Demand that you pay taxes without giving you the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they say you owe.
  • Require you to use a specific payment method for your taxes, such as a prepaid debit card.
  • Ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone.
  • Threaten to bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have you arrested for not paying.
If you get a phone call from someone claiming to be from the IRS and asking for money, here's what you should do:
  • If you know you owe taxes or think you might owe, call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040. The IRS workers can help you with a payment issue.
  • If you know you don't owe taxes or have no reason to believe that you do, report the incident to the TIGTA at 1-800-366-4484 or at tigta.gov.
  • If you've been targeted by this scam, also contact the Federal Trade Commission and use their "FTC Complaint Assistant" at FTC.gov. Please add "Telephone Scam" to the comments of your complaint.

OPINION: Superintendent Traci Pierce's controversial boundary recommendation, By Julianne Bogaty

OPINION:  The larger Redmond school community will voice concerns at tonight's meeting of the Lake Washington School District board, which is scheduled to vote on Superintendent Traci Pierce's controversial reboundary recommendation. In the aftermath of three failed ballot measures to expand school capacity, the proposal would send more students from other areas to already-overcrowded Evergreen Middle School in unincorporated Redmond (adding more portables there, for a total of 13). Community members are asking the district to first utilize empty permanent classrooms at nearby schools such as the newly modernized Rose Hill Middle School, which is closer to Redmond Elementary than Evergreen and recently expanded to a spacious building capacity of 921. The new Tesla STEM school could also house a special program such as Quest (for highly capable students).
The superintendent's proposal calls for Evergreen Middle School's original building capacity of 672 to jump to 1,120 students—55 percent over capacity. The fiscally irresponsible plan would also spend $2.5 million of remaining capital funds to add four portables and restroom portables to the nine portables already on site at Evergreen, while shrinking teacher-planning space to squeeze in even more kids. Meanwhile Redmond Middle School, a school with a larger original capacity of 841 within City of Redmond limits, would be a smaller 32 percent over its original capacity (not the true "rebalancing" the district claims). Since the district is only permitted to add one more portable at Redmond Middle School, other area schools with excess space such as Rose Hill Middle School and Tesla STEM should first be utilized before sending Evergreen 55 percent over capacity. Evergreen's current, significant issues with traffic safety, overcrowded buses, sewer and water will be even more compounded with such a high enrollment. Crowds are also an issue for hallways, cafeteria, lockers, sports and electives, as there is simply not enough space to contain all students.

TONIGHT, Monday, Jan. 26, at 7 p.m. (start of board meeting, which includes 30-minute public-comment period on the reboundary topic)
Board Room, LWSD Resource Center
(near the Marriott at Redmond Town Center)
16250 NE 74th Street
Redmond, WA 98052

Seattle Times: School districts scramble as enrollment in area jumps

The Seattle Times has a good article on overcrowding at Lake Washington, Issaquah and Seattle school districts in their Sunday edition HERE

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Attention LWSD community!

The Lake Washington School District published the wrong time for Monday's school board meeting in its parent newsletter "Connections," issued Friday. The correct information is below:
Monday, Jan. 26, at 7 p.m.
Board Room, LWSD Resource Center
(near the Marriott at Redmond Town Center)
16250 NE 74th Street
Redmond, WA 98052

LETTER: Adding Portables at Rural Schools is a Regional Planning Issue

By Susan Wilkins, LWSD parent and taxpayer

King County's Growth Management Planning Council convened a School Siting Task Force in 2012 to address the issue of school districts building schools in rural areas and then sending city kids out to the schools. The Task Force made a rule that no new schools could be built outside the Urban Growth Boundary, but didn't have time to address the issue of whether existing rural schools could be remodeled or be expanded. 

The intent of the School Siting Task Force was to require school districts to build inside city boundaries where most people live and where ALL of the new homes, condos and apartments are being built. Chip Kimball, the school district's previous superintendent was on the Task Force so the district was aware of the Task Force's recommendation.

The Lake Washington School District has been tone-deaf to the intent of the School Siting Task Force and the needs of its students and families. The district has decided to add most of the new classroom portables and remodeled space at its rural schools. It plans to send HUNDREDS of additional students out to rural schools from inside the Redmond and Sammamish city limits. The district says they must add portables to rural schools because that is the only place that space is available. This is just NOT true. 

The school district has known for nearly three years that King County's Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) and the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) do not want students who live in cities to be sent to rural schools. Both of these governing bodies have a mandate to create regional development plans and objectives that dictate how, when and where growth occurs. Vision 2040's MPP-PS-21 & 22 dictate that new school facilities (even if it is a portable or remodeled space) should be located inside cities.* The school district has a mandate to follow their rules and recommendations. LWSD should not be adding classroom capacity to Evergreen, Alcott, Dickinson or Wilder and students should not be required to leave the city to go to these rural schools.

In addition to contacting the Lake Washington School District School Board, parents should contact King County, the GMPC and the PSRC. In your email, note that students will not be able to walk, bike or even ride a Metro bus to/from the rural schools because they are located on dangerous rural roads far from the students' homes. Tell King County not to issue Building Permits and Conditional Use Permits for the interior remodels and portables. (The PSRC does have the authority to freeze King County's transportation funds if the county issues permits that don't comply with Vision 2040 - so that just might be an incentive for the county not to issue the permits...)

Send email about this issue to:
King County Executive - Dow Constantine (natasha.jones@kingcounty.gov)
King County Councilmember Kathy Lambert (kathy.lambert@kingcounty.gov)
Growth Management Planning Council - Karen Wolf (karen.wolf@kingcounty.gov) 
Puget Sound Regional Council - Rick Olsen (rolsen@psrc.org)

Friday, January 23, 2015

LETTER: Confusion over the Evergreen Middle School Boundary decision

Below is a Letter by Steve Hitch, LWSD parent and taxpayer explaining the Evergreen Middle School Boundary agreement that the School Board will be deciding on at next Monday's Board Meeting. 

LETTER:  I agree that the District posted information about 120 students affected, with more detail on 1/21, which seems kind of late in the game.

However, the district shared with us all that there would be impacts to Evergreen at the December 1 meeting. That meeting was announced to us all with direct email and opportunities to be added to mailing lists if we want to stay informed about the process.

The December 1 information was also posted to the website. It said 113 students would be affected in the feeder schools and that it would impact Evergreen. The numbers posted yesterday add a lot of clarifying detail based on the final recommendation that was formed based on community feedback. The numbers changed from 113 to 120 in their final proposal, but I don't think that change is significant. Calling that a "false process" with no notification is unfair criticism, in my book.

I get that not everyone pays attention, it is hard to stay on top of so many things going on. We are all very busy, but what more should the district do to announce these meetings then send a direct email to each student's parent (which they did), and post the information on their website (which they did)?

Also, "growing schools in areas that are less crowded" sounds easy, but there are limits at each building site. With the failed levy, there isn't money to remodel buildings, so we're stuck with portables. Portables can only be placed at sites that are big enough to accommodate them.

None of us are happy about the overcrowding. I am very frustrated about it. I think the district is doing their best to find ways to give our kids an education within the resource limitations that the voters (and our state legislators) have given us.

If someone wants to attend the board meeting to complain about the process, I hope they come prepared with specific ideas of how such a process could be improved.

If someone wants to complain about the recommendations that came from the process, I hope they come prepared with specific solutions. Something more than: "not in my backyard".

And I hope the district can share some more detail about all the analysis that has been done that has led to the recommendation and why other alternatives don't work, to satisfy those who are unhappy with the outcome.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

School and Community members to assemble to request a voting delay on the School Board's reboundary recommendation

LWSD reboundary fails to utilize empty classrooms, saddles unincorporated Redmond with more portables to further overcrowd area's bursting schools and classrooms
The Lake Washington School District board plans to vote on Superintendent Traci Pierce's reboundary recommendation, which would send even more students to the district's most crowded schools in unincorporated Redmond rather than utilize empty permanent classrooms at nearby, recently renovated schools.
Evergreen Middle School's capacity is projected to jump from a crowded 872 to 1,120 students, with kids from City of Redmond schools being bused in to a school that will be as much as 46 percent over original building capacity. The district intends to spend $2.5 million to add four portables and restroom portables to the nine already on site, and create smaller teacher planning spaces to squeeze more students into the school. A flawed community feedback process didn't include outreach to the Evergreen community, or reveal middle-school numbers to the affected elementary feeder schools despite public requests to share this.
School and community members in unincorporated Redmond are contacting the school board through the weekend to request a voting delay on this ill-advised and fiscally irresponsible plan. Community members from east-Redmond elementaries and Evergreen Middle School will speak at Monday's school board meeting.
The current reboundary plan disproportionately impacts unincorporated Redmond by sending overflow from schools within the City of Redmond to already-crowded east-Redmond schools.
Who Should Attend:
All residents of King County who are concerned with excessive school overcrowding in our area should attend. Schools and communities in unincorporated Redmond are most significantly impacted by overcrowded schools and classrooms in the Lake Washington School District's current reboundary plan. Comments may be submitted to board@lwsd.org.
Monday, Jan. 26, at 7 p.m. (start of board meeting, which includes 30-minute public-comment period on the reboundary topic)
Board Room, LWSD Resource Center
(near the Marriott at Redmond Town Center)
16250 NE 74th Street
Redmond, WA 98052

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Celebrating 40 years of Seahawk History

Celebrating 40 years of Seahawk History -- King County News
This weekend the Seattle Seahawks will battle the Green Bay Packers for a chance to return to the Super Bowl and defend their title. In many ways it is a fitting home finale, given their dominate performance over Green Bay to start the 2014 football season. This season also marks the 40th year since the NFL awarded Seattle a professional football team. In this newsletter let's take some time to reflect on how far the franchise has come since its inception 40 years ago.
Seattle Seahawks President Peter McLaughlin and Pete von Reichbauer.
Seattle Seahawks President Peter McLaughlin lets Pete von Reichbauer hold the Lombardi Trophy at the VMAC as part of a ceremony recognizing both the Hawks World Championship and Pete’s contribution to keeping the Seahawks in Seattle!
When the NFL and AFL merged in 1972, the newly formed league began making plans to expand from 26 to 28 teams. In December 1974, then-Commissioner Pete Rozelle announced the official signing of a Seattle franchise agreement with the Nordstrom family and other civic leaders.
Early in 1975, the fledgling franchise showed early signs of what would eventually become "The 12th Man," with over 20,000 fans participating in a contest to name the franchise. The team was originally going to be called the Seattle Kings, but the name Seahawk (meaning Osprey) was selected.
The "Hawks" played their first season in 1976, quarterbacked by Jim Zorn and coached by Jack Patera. In just a few seasons the Seahawks went from an expansion franchise to a 1983 playoff contender led by future Hall of Famer Steve Largent.
"In the early 1980's, Seattle was a much smaller town and the team didn't have the national buzz of today's reigning world champions," said original season ticket holder and current King County Councilmember Pete von Reichbauer. Read More >>

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Youth Eastside Services "Invest in Youth" Breakfast

“It can happen to anybody”
Penny LeGate shares personal story of loss and hope
at Youth Eastside Services’ Invest in Youth Breakfast
BELLEVUE, WASH. — In 2012, Emmy-Award-winning journalist Penny LeGate lost her daughter Marah to a heroin overdose. On Wednesday, March 4, LeGate will share what she’s learned as the parent of a child who struggled with substance abuse as the keynote speaker at Youth Eastside Services’ annual Invest in Youth Breakfast. The event takes place from 7:30–8:45 a.m. at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue. Read More >>

Monday, January 12, 2015

Bear Creek School Presents "The Scoundrel"

The Bear Creek School’s Fine and Performing Arts Department Presents

“The Scoundrel”

Adapted and directed by Dr. Ron Lynch
(Redmond, WA) – The Scoundrel is an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor and will be performed by The Bear Creek School students January 15 and 17.

In this Shakespearean romp, we find that Sir John Falstaff is broke. He decides to woo the daughters of two prominent gentlemen in order to extract a portion of their dowries. He writes a letter to each of them. The daughters compare letters and discover that they are identical. They in turn, set out to humiliate the fat knight. Amongst this turmoil a collection of characters appears, all with complications to add misery to the situation. A mysterious laundry basket, an old woman, and a large oak tree become moments of confusion for Falstaff. Add to this blend of frivolity, a misdirection in disguises for Mistress Anne, who is desperately attempting to get married, and you have the makings of a hilarious comedy which should bring smiles and laughter to all who attend a performance.

Several of the roles in Bear Creek’s production of The Scoundrel are double-cast to allow more students to experience and stretch their dramatic muscle.

In lieu of charging for admission, donations will be accepted to support completion of Bear Creek’s new Fine & Performing Arts Center. Our patrons’ generosity will help move us closer toward the realization of a high-quality, dedicated theater experience for students and audience members.
All performances are open to the public. The Bear Creek School Cornerstone Theater, 8905 208th Ave NE, Redmond WA, 98053, 452-898-1720, www.tbcs.org
Performance Schedule
Thursday, January 15, 2015     Matinee Performance 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, January 15, 2015    Evening Performance 7:30 p.m. 
Saturday, January 17, 2015    Matinee Performance 4:00 p.m. 
Saturday, January 17, 2015    Evening Performance 7:30 p.m.  Read More >>

Take the Polar Bear Plunge!

Redmond Police Department
will once again join law enforcement agencies across the state in support of Special Olympics Washington. Thanks to the support of our the Redmond community, the 2014 Polar Plunge successfully raised almost $28,000.

This year, Redmond Police Department asks for your support during the 2015 Polar Plunge, which will be held on Saturday, March 14 at Idylwood Park.
It is the department's hope to meet a goal of $30,000. Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competitions in an Olympic setting for individuals with special needs. All contributions are welcome, and of course, Special Olympics Washington is a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible charitable organization.

If you have any questions about the Polar Plunge program, please contact Officer Davin Alsin at 425-556-2671 or dtalsin@redmond.gov. If you'd like to make a donation, checks made payable to Special Olympics Washington can be mailed to:
Officer Davin Alsin
Redmond Police Department MS: PSPDT
PO Box 97010
Redmond, WA 98073-9710

Redmond Police Department also accepts donations via Visa, American Express and MasterCard; please contact dtalsin@redmond.gov. Thank you for your continu
ed support!  


Saturday, January 10, 2015

King County and The Trust for Public Land complete preservation of Squak Mountain for public use


King County and The Trust for Public Land are taking the last few steps in a two-year-long journey to rsz_squak_mountain_2014permanently preserve more than 200 acres of Cascade foothills forestland.
Coveted for its ecological value, including sheltering the headwaters of a salmon-bearing stream, The Trust for Public Land purchased the 226 acres of land on Squak Mountain in 2014 for $5 million.
“Permanently preserving forestland in our Cascade foothills will pay dividends for each generation to come,” said King County Executive Dow Constantine. “By saving wildlife habitat and preserving recreational areas, we protect our region's environmental health and quality of life.”  Read More >>

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

City of Redmond signs Purchase and Sale Agreement for Keller Farm

A member from Water Tenders sent me a copy of a Purchase and Sale Agreement that was signed on August 5, 2014 between the City and the Kellers of Redmond.  "Closing shall be on or before 1/22/2015."  In the agreement the City agreed to buy 83.25 acres of the Keller Farm located between Avondale Rd NE and NE Union Hill Rd.  The Kellers will retain a 78,503 square foot parcel and house located at 18816 NE 84th Street.  The City agreed to pay the Kellers $2,520,000 for the Farm  ($30,000 per acre). 

The Keller Farm is a crucial piece of wetland-agricultural land important to the ecology of our Redmond area.  The farm will be used as a "wetland bank" for off-site mitigation of wetlands lost to development within Redmond.  As wetlands are destroyed by development in the City the developers must purchase rights to replace these wetlands on the Keller Farm so that there will be "no net loss" of wetlands owing to development.  Wetlands are an important natural resource for Redmond since they help to recharge and purify the City aquifer which is tapped for potable well-water. 

Reported by Bob Yoder


Water Tenders report on Indian artifacts found in Lower Bear Creek

WaterTenders, a grass roots organization of people dedicated to preserving and protecting the Bear Creek and King County watershed celebrated their 25th Anniversary in 2013.  Click HERE http://www.watertenders.org/Newsletters/Fall%202013%20newsletter.pdf (regrets this link is broken)to view their anniversary newsletter issue where they talk about the geo-archeological finds in Lower Bear Creek.  Did you know that a 10,000 year old Indian artifact was found in Lower Bear Creek just south of Redmond Town Center?

Learn how to become a member of Water Tenders and read all their newsletters by visiting www.watertenders.org

Lake Washington School District Facility Planning Online Open House Launches

Opportunity for community members to provide input on future strategy
Redmond, Wash. – The Lake Washington School District Long-Term Facilities Planning Task Force began its work in December. They will study, analyze, and make recommendations concerning the district’s long-term facilities needs. As part of this process, the district is engaging the broader community to better understand priorities and issues regarding facilities and to help inform the Task Force’s work. An online open house has been launched as part of those efforts.
The online open house is an ongoing opportunity for community members to be part of the conversation about addressing overcrowding and aging schools. Visit the online open house to learn about the district’s facilities needs. Information on the Task Force process and work to date is also shared. You are invited to provide feedback on the scope of issues the Task Force should consider as it develops a long-term facilities strategy recommendation. Please visit the online open house and share your thoughts by January 23 for the first opportunity to provide feedback.
The online open house will be updated at key milestones. It will stay open until the Task Force makes its final recommendation, expected in June 2015.
Lake Washington School District is one of the fastest-growing school districts in King County. Current enrollment stands at 26,708. It is projected to grow to close to 30,000 by 2021-22. Current classroom space in the district will not accommodate these growing numbers. In addition, the district must address some aging facilities.

Interfaith Blood Drive Feb 2nd

BLOOD DRIVE                     MON., FEB 2nd                   1-7pm (break 3-4 pm)

  Turn that New Years Resolution to GIVE BACK into action.  Or maybe your resolution was to drop some weight.  Come donate  blood on MON., FEB. 2nd, from 1-7pm.  This drive is hosted by Redmond Presbyterian Church.  Most people can donate.  Add your pint to others to help meet the daily need of 800 units/day.  EVERY DROP COUNTS!

        APPOINTMENTS:  HIT REPLY OR CALL 425-485-5620 (Tina Paul)

         TIME:  1-7 pm (tech break 3-4 pm)

         LOCATION:  Redmond Presbyterian Church
                              10020  166th Ave NE (across from Redmond Jr. High)
                              Redmond, WA  98052
 I hope to see you there.
Tina Paul

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Twenty-nine Lake Washington School District teachers achieved National Board Certification

Redmond, Wash. – Twenty-nine Lake Washington School District teachers achieved National Board Certification®, as announced by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). In addition to the 29 newly certified teachers, seven teachers renewed their certification this year, for a total of 36 people completing the process. (Certifications must be renewed every ten years.) According to NBPTS, 269 National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT) working in Lake Washington Schools earned their certification. Teachers from around the district completed the process, including a district-high seven teachers from Eastlake High School.
“Lake Washington School District prides itself on the quality of its teaching staff and we are grateful to have so many teachers commit and re-commit themselves to excellence,” said Superintendent Traci Pierce. “The National Board Certification process helps teachers analyze every area of their teaching practice to ensure maximum academic success for students.”  Read More >>

Monday, December 22, 2014

Strong Demand for Single-Family Homes in Redmond

By KC Brants
The median price for single-family homes in Redmond climbed 6.4 percent in November over the same time last year. Although we’re seeing price appreciation slow in the greater Seattle area, steady price growth continues for single-family homes in Redmond.
But while prices are up, there are fewer homes to choose from, and fewer homes are actually selling. The number of single-family homes for sale fell 17 percent In November, compared with November 2013. As a result, sales declined 13.9 percent.  Redmond boasts a plethora of qualified buyers looking for single-family homes. But because the inventory is so limited, I often see the same buyers competing for the same two or three homes that hit the market.
While prices for single-family homes have gone up because of the classic supply and demand problem, we’re not seeing the same frenzy we saw during the housing boom.  The local market is starting to level out. Homebuyers are being cautious and taking their time looking.
In Redmond, we saw 16.2 percent of single-family homes for sale drop in price last month. Many sellers see what nearby homes sell for and price their homes at that level to start. If a home is priced too high initially, it can scare buyers away and force the seller to bring the price down. Pricing a home more reasonably, however, can draw more buyers, which means a home could sell more quickly and may even receive multiple offers and fetch a higher price.
Here’s a quick glance at the numbers in Redmond and how they compare with November 2013:
Median Single-Family Home Price: $$665,000
Single-Family Home Prices: up 6.4%
Single-Family Home Sales: down 13.9% 
·         Homes sold spent a median 32 days on the market, which is six days slower than the same time last year.
Number of single-family homes for sale: down 17%

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Redmond PD: Increase in Education Hill Residential Burglaries

Since Thursday, Dec. 11, five residential burglaries in the Education Hill District have been reported to Redmond Police. Ranging from 8:10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., the activity occurred between the 16800 block of NE 108 Way and the 10400 block of 181st Ave. NE.

Method of entry has been through rear sliding doors, all unlocked with the exception of one case, where the suspect(s) used a rock to break through the door.

Stolen property includes jewelry, laptops, an Xbox system, handbags, silverware, cell phones, car keys, passports and credit cards. The suspect(s) appear to steal items from the lower levels of homes, then leave if residents are known to be upstairs.

Police are asking residents to be mindful of locking all doors - including  passageways for pets - and windows. Many residents have taken precautionary measures, such as the use of dowels in screen doors, motion lights, video surveillance, and decibel alarm systems, which do not require a monitoring system.

The department offers free assessments of city residents' houses for suggestions on how to make their homes less likely targets for burglars. Please contact crimeprevention@redmond.gov to arrange a meeting.

Police are following up with fraudulent charges as a result of stolen credit cards and attempting to identify suspects through recovered fingerprints.
Please report any suspicious activity to 911 as it is occurring.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Redmond Historical Society Announces New Officers for 2015-2016

Redmond Historical Society Announces New Officers for 2015-2016
Redmond, WA December 15, 2014:  Redmond Historical Society, now in its 15th year as a membership organization and community resource, announced the results of its 2014 Officer Elections. These officers will take up their new duties when the board convenes in January 2015. The board and standing committees will be working to implement the 2014–2017 plan approved in September 2014.
The new President is Joe Townsend, who has completed his sixth year on the board, including a second term as Vice President of Finance. Joe retired from Safeco Insurance Company and now operates a small business in Redmond. Senior Vice President is Mary Hanson, longtime Redmond resident and career employee of Group Health Cooperative. Mary has been a board member since 2009.
The new Vice President of Finance is Ed O’Brien, Redmond native and a member of the O’Brien Water- Ski family. O’Brien has returned to Redmond following a career as a business executive. The new Secretary is Lori Perrigo, member of the Perrigo pioneer family, and experienced in other nonprofit board work. Read more about these officers on the Society’s website. (http://www.redmondhistoricalsociety.org/RHS/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=710:voting-board-of-directors&catid=16:about-rhs&Itemid=183) 
The Society’s Vice President of Collections Management is elected in alternate years and is currently held by Gene Magnuson, Redmond native and longtime Society volunteer.
About Redmond Historical Society 
Redmond Historical Society is a volunteer-supported organization, with offices and historical displays housed in the Old Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center. The Society receives support through grants from King County’s 4Culture program, the City of Redmond, the Bellevue Collection, Nelson Legacy Group, and Humanities Washington, as well as from other donors and members. Redmond Historical Society is known widely for its Saturday Speaker Series. Check the Society’s website for the schedule. (http://www.redmondhistoricalsociety.org/RHS/)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Nami-Eastside Educational Forum December 16

Guest: Dr. Michael Stanfill, Psychiatric Services Director
Public Health Seattle and King County
Date: Tuesday, December 16, 2014, 7 PM - 9 PM
Location: Evergreen Health Medical Center, Suite Tan 100,
12303 NE 130th Lane, Kirkland, WA 98034
Dr. Michael Stanfill is the Psychiatric Services Manager for Jail Health Services within Public Health in Seattle/King County.  Persons with mental illness are incarcerated at disproportionately increasing rates.
As a result, local jails and law enforcement are now one of the largest de facto mental health providers, both locally and nationally.
Dr. Stanfill will provide an historical overview of how we’ve gotten to this place as a society, review best practices for treating this population within the confines of correctional settings, and discuss better alternatives to strive towards moving forward as a community. This presentation will have a special focus on local practices within the King County jail system, with integration into both local and national policy movements.
Dr Michael Stanfill has his doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is trained as a clinical and forensic psychologist. He currently serves as the Psychiatric Services Manager for Jail Health Services within Public Health in Seattle/King County where he oversees and supervises the psychiatric services and release planning operations of inmates. He has also served on a variety of advisory committees and legislative workgroups helping develop and advocate for policies and legislation related to the treatment of the mentally ill, criminal justice-involved population. His work has been recognized by various third party groups, such as the Treatment Advocacy Center and the John D.and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, for his innovative treatment approaches for treating mental illness in criminal justice settings.
Please join us for our annual meeting! The meeting will be held on January 31st in the Garibaldi Room, Building B here at the Together Center Campus.  We’ll have a Meet and Greet from 9am – 9:30, will begin the meeting at 9:30 and finish by 10am.  We hope you can join us.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Get ready for strong winds Thursday


The Puget Sound Region is expecting a significant wind storm to impact our area for several hours Thursday, December 11, beginning late afternoon or early evening. Wind gusts could reach 75 mph. Potential impacts include landslides, downed trees and power lines, and widespread power outages. There are specific things you can do now to prepare your home and family:
Prepare for Wind Storm
  • Learn what your child’s school and daycare policies and procedures are for possible early release and facility closures.
  • Fuel up your vehicle and allow extra commute time home from work or school.
  • Locate flashlights, radio, and extra batteries should you experience a power outage at home.
  • Plan pre-cooked meals for your family that don’t require a stove-top, microwave, or oven to prepare.
  • Make sure pets have appropriate shelter to stay warm and safe from falling debris.
  • Ask your employer how you will be notified if power outages impact your worksite.
  • Visit the Public Health website for information on preventing carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Stay informed by monitoring local media channels, registering for public alerts at www.kingcounty.gov/RPIN, and checking King County’s emergency news at www.kcemergency.com.
  • Get more tips, utility contacts, and preparedness checklists at Take Winter by Storm.