Sunday, July 16, 2023

City MONSTER Truck


Pam is sitting in the truck very close to the street surface

On our way to Derby Days we saw this shiny new Redmond Public Works truck blocking and re-directing traffic on 95th.  Cool!  It's a monster truck!!

Just what does this truck do?   Do you see the yellow "buttons?"  

-- Bob Yoder, picture, 7/16/23


John Reinke said...

That's a great photo, Bob! Thanks for publishing it.

Unknown said...

I don't think that truck is new - I think they have had it for at least 10-15 years now. I remember them discussing its purchase at city council meetings, commonly referred to as "the button truck" IIRC.

Bob Yoder said...

I remember that discussion, too. Council was chuckling about it but was pleased they are made. The truck looked brand new to me. They may have two now.