Thursday, July 27, 2023

Council Notes: Scooters & Salaries

Council Meeting Notes:  

E-scooters and e-bikes pilot project discussed.  Seattle and Everett are the only cities in Puget Sound that have e-scooters.  Parking spaces will not be marked with paint owing to maintenance.  Several councilmembers complained about e-scooters as difficult to ride, blocking sidewalks and ADA intersections. At least 9 accidents were reported by the Fire Dept.  Most didn't want more than one vendor owing to multiple phone applications.  Lime is the present vendor; they will present to council in their next meeting.  September may be the month council decides on a permanent contract.  Email feedback to council at

Council Salaries:  Councilmember Anderson started a 29 minute discussion about council salaries, recommending Ordinance 3116 be repealed or amended to allow council to set their own salaries for new members. They decided to have a private Executive Session to discuss the matter.  Councilmember Varisha Kahn made a rare comment agreeing to an Executive Session. For the most part, Ms. Kahn very rarely participates in any conversation at council meetings.  

The city pays each councilmember over $18,600/year, plus generous benefits. 

Watch council discuss council salaries at this video meeting:  1:01:38 - 1:30:19

-- posted by Bob Yoder, 7/27/2023,  Source:  RCTV and mayor memo

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