Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Street Trees, Wide Sidewalks Threatened By Proposed 4-acre Project

Mature street trees line the roads surrounding the proposed 8-story, 700 unit downtown Chelsea project.  These street trees have grown into beautiful significant trees, but unfortunately their roots are buckling and cracking the sidewalks. Before Council holds their Hearing on this development, I hope they will encourage Mayor Birney to design wide enough sidewalks for planting replacement street trees.  We are losing urban canopy.

The wide six-foot sidewalk on 164th and 14-foot sidewalk on 83rd Ave. is threatened by this project.  The city acknowledges the "level of traffic stress" for bicyclists and pedestrians increase when sidewalk widths are reduced.  Wide sidewalks promote bicycle/scooter/wheelchair mobility, make room for street trees and raise the level for safety for all.  

-- Bob Yoder, opinion, photos, 6/27/2023

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