Wednesday, November 9, 2022

UPDATED: A Tribute to Council Member Steve Fields

OPINION:  I occasionally watch Redmond City Council members deliberate.  I've seen a complete turnaround in Council member Steve Fields' demeanor with the Mayor. He's polite, respectful, always agreeable, yet holds his own.  And, the Mayor is reciprocating. 

Mr. Fields' more peaceful approach may be attributed to his post on the Council Finance, Administration and Communications Committee.  He's the  Presiding Officer so in control of the budget meetings and with humility has earned a satisfying amount of power.  And rightly so.  Mr. Fields' career and Council experience is indispensable on budgetary matters and Mayor Birney knows it.  Steve's in his wheelhouse, with Council and Mayor in tow.  He's respected by all.  

Steve ran for Mayor twice and lost;  impossible to stomach for most. Over time his resentment and bitterness wore off.  His ego healed and he found his true place on Council.

I've never seen a public official so resilient and driven.  I know Steve well from supporting him in three campaigns.  I've heard Steve may not run again, yet he's still giving his all.  Thanks to Council member Fields for all that he does.  Steve's good works on Council are surely appreciated and won't be forgotten.  

 -- B. Yoder  11/10/2022

FB Comment:

He worked on the County budget and was a great voice of reason and fiscal responsibility in a sea of people who were not so concerned about unintended consequences or bow wave impacts of some expenditures. He knows budgeting well and will do a fabulous job as he approaches this with the utmost of integrity.  -- Kathy Lambert, 12/2

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