Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Opinion: Councilmember Varisha Kahn Is Back!

Varisha Kahn

Breaking news!  Councilmember Varisha Kahn  physically, in-person attended both Council meetings last night for the first time in over 20 months. Here's a June, 2020 snippet from Crosscut praising her: 

The New Normal: When your living room becomes City Hall / Crosscut:

"Redmond City Councilmember Varisha Khan is navigating her first term from home while supporting her community through the pandemic.

Varisha Khan is a first-time city council member in Redmond. She drafted, proposed and passed recent legislation that protects Redmond residents from late fees and evictions, and offers support during other hardships. She recognizes this pandemic as a collective trauma for society and the only way she feels she can cope is by doing what she knows: helping her community through writing humane policy that mends a frayed social safety net."

-- Dorothy Edwards, June 22, 2020, Crosscut.

In addition to remote attendance Varisha presided over the Public Safety Committee for several months and coordinated the new Safety and Sustainability work plan. Other than that, her in-person attendance was rare until last night.

Since not everyone participates when attending remotely, the Mayor started a roll call policy for accountability.

Councilmember Kahn's constituents are diverse and her representation is critical.  Ms. Kahn is the youngest councilmember in the history of this City.  She's a woman in her mid-twenties (the average age in Redmond is 34.5 yrs.)  She's a Muslim.  And, she's a native, having graduated from Horace Mann Elementary.

The six councilmembers have worked hard to carry her load.  Varisha is pretty confident. She is articulate, likes to talk, and eventually makes her point heard. 

-- Bob Yoder, 6/22/2022

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