Thursday, October 21, 2021

UPDATED: Councilmembers Steve Fields And Jeralee Anderson Should Renounce "Safe Eastside"

OPINION, 10/27:  As you know, housing in Redmond (and across the Eastside) is terribly unaffordable. Those without technology jobs can barely afford to live here.  Add the COVID dilemma and some people just can't pay rent or their mortgage. Sadly, a few unlucky souls are left homeless, living in their cars and on friends' couches.

The County is trying to do something about it.  About a month ago they bought the Silver Cloud Hotel in south Redmond near Microsoft to provide a sanctuary for some who've lost their homes. Support services and warm meals will be provided. Information about the hotel is found HERE.  I can't thank the County and City enough for extending their hand to these traumatised people.   

There's a boisterous group known as "Safe Eastside" on a mission to terminate this homeless hotel.  This group is the cause of a lot of misinformation.  Signs are staked all over town and near schools warning "no injection sites." Parents, students and neighbors have been frightened. 

I've sat in on council meetings where they've verbally attacked the Mayor, her staff, a councilmember, and commissioner. They often blame and shame the mentally ill.  This hurts because I and many others have serious illnesses, yet are able to have a productive career and a nice home or apartment. 

Safe Eastside is actively campaigning, and endorsing Dennis Ellis, Councilmember Jeralee Anderson and Councilmember Steve Fields in the election.  I'm not sure what they did to earn these endorsements. Dennis, Jeralee, and Steve should emphatically renounce this spiteful group and support the greater good.

-- Bob Yoder, 10/21/2021


Karen Tennyson said...

I am tired of people repeatedly dredging up issues that have been debunked and doing it close to an election. The constant insistence that support from a group means support for the group group is incorrect . Any group can endorse any candidate- that does not mean the candidate endorses the group. Also, a discussion of facts would necessitate a discussion of the fault of the City by not bringing to light their intent for the hotel and allowing an opportunity for discussion and dialogue

Bob Yoder said...

Geez, that is pretty heady. Nice feedback though.