Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Restoring A Place Where Salmon And People Can Live Together

 Dear WRIA 8 Salmon Recovery Council and interested parties,

 We’re excited to announce that the 2020 WRIA 8 Progress Report is now available online


Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz

Salmon Recovery Manager

Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed
206-477-4780 /

WRIA 8 website:


Please click the above Progress Report.  It is an incredible site!  Bob

1 comment:

John Reinke said...

Thanks for posting this link, Bob.
The WRIA8 Progress Report reflects a great deal of effort, and enables the reader to grasp many of the aspects of the efforts to restore chinook salmon populations to sustainable levels in the Sammamish River and Cedar River areas (and their associated tributaries). Project goals for the year 2025 are laid out in detail.