Saturday, February 20, 2021

UPDATED, 3/2/2021: My Covid Vaccination Experience

I never thought I'd admire this little town so much (photo P. Yoder) 

It's been about a year that we've been living under the cloud of the pandemic. Stress and sadness shows its ugly head. I'm fatigued having to wear a mask and socially distance all the time. One of my pet peeves is seeing noses uncovered. I can't stand it.  (I'm outside and distanced when unmasked.)

Like most, we were overjoyed when the vaccines were released!  At age 70 with underlying conditions, and my wife at 67, we persistently searched for an appointment; an horrific endeavour.  (Though some V.I.P. donors at Overlake Medical Center, Providence-Everett and EvergreenHealth silently moved up the line.)  My wife, Pam set the alarm clock for early morning calls to city, county and state vaccination sites.  

Breaking news! On 2/10, my wife and I won the vaccine lottery with a grand prize trip to Pateros for two Moderna shots! haha. Pateros is a town of 600, four hours east of Redmond, 20 minutes north of Chelan.  We have a rental in Chelan and had to do some business there so transportation wasn't a big problem.

The site was run by three county Fire Departments; they vaccinate about 40/day.  We were quickly vaccinated from our car, and ecstatic when given a card for the second shot!  According to the New York Times (2/20/21), only 13% of the U.S. population have their first shot and 5.4% have both shots. We feel blessed.  

-- Bob Yoder, 2/20/2021

I took the second Moderna shot 25 days later...moderate fatigue a day later.


Matthew W. said...

Also check out to search for availability.

Unknown said...

Hi Bob -
There was never a VIP Donor Vaccination program at EvergreenHealth. Please check in with Kay Taylor.
Thank you,
Minerva Butler
EvergreenHealth Commissioner

Bob Yoder said...

Ms. Butler -

I sent a note to Kay Taylor, with no response.

There was indeed a VIP vaccination program on a "soft" launch to Foundation members, etc.

Thank you,
Bob Yoder, Redmond Neighborhood Blog