Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Community Building Update - Chuga, Chuga

"The Council will be asked to make a decision on the Community Building 10/22/20 to move forward so staff can continue without further delay. The Council has an active motion that was postponed from the September 15, 2020 Council Business meeting and will be taken up on the October 22nd Council special meeting. 

The motion made by Councilmember Carson, seconded by Councilmember Kritzer is as follows: Authorize the Mayor and staff to move forward on the construction of a community building on the existing site of the Redmond Senior Center in the size of approximately 42,000 square feet with optional expansion capabilities with costs not to exceed $46.7M and with the funding mechanism of capital improvement program funds and councilmanic bonds." Parks Council Comm. memo 10/6/2020.

Thank you CM David Carson and CM Vanessa Kritzer for your leadership in moving this project on, I've never seen a valuable Redmond project like this one get so bogged down by **bureaucracy.  Yoder



**"At the study session on July 28, 2020, the Community Stakeholder Group presented the recommendations for the future of the Redmond Senior Center. Throughout the study session discussion, and during subsequent Council discussion, Council had additional questions, which were addressed at the PHS Committee of the Whole on August 4, 2020, the PPW Committee of the Whole on August 11, 2020. The PHS Committee of the Whole on September 1st, and the City Council Business Meeting on September 15th .

Recently, there have been questions about the public engagement efforts, decision points that will be requested from the City Council and the City’s bonding capacity. The need for Community Center and Recreation space to serve everyone in Redmond has been discussed over many years in Redmond. 

In 2009, 327 people engaged in a statistically valid survey to inform the Recreation Buildings Master Plan. This plan called for an 80,000 sf facility and a $69-71M investment to adequately serve the residents of Redmond. This effort was not implemented. 

In 2015, 830 people engaged to help inform the PARCC plan, of which the need for a larger Community Center space was a high priority. 

In 2017, 30-35 people made up the Recreation Stakeholders group who engaged with 3600 people to help inform the Communities Priority for the Future of Redmond Community Centers in 2017.

In 2019-20 the Recreation Stakeholders assisted in engaging 2500 people to help inform their recommendation found in the report, “Envision the Future of the Redmond Senior Center”. 

This has been the longest and most engaged public engagement process for any project in Redmond. In order for staff and the community to move forward with the design and ultimately the construction of the Redmond Senior and Community Center, Council will need to provide direction on the size and scale and financial model to fund the project.

Provided in the presentation and on the Council Question Matrix is a timeline of the capital outlay and decision points needed from the City Council."  Parks Council Comm. 10/6

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