Tuesday, July 7, 2020

PART ONE: COVID-19 Workplace Investigation Submitted to Mayor Birney

COVID-19 Workplace Investigation:


Excerpt from the report:

During the week of February 29th-March 6th, 2020, when the ECC was first stood up in a monitoring phase and several RFD Medics were quarantined as a preventative measure after responding to the Life Care Center in Kirkland, the Mayor personally called each of the City Councilmembers to advise them on the situation. Not all Councilmembers answered or returned her calls. Councilmembers who were interviewed confirmed the Mayor made these calls.52 Tuesday, March 3rd, was the last regularly scheduled public City Council meeting before City Hall closed on March 12th. At the Director’s Team (“DT”) meeting that day, the Fire Chief provided a Coronavirus update and the DT discussed telecommuting plans, capacity to quarantine or isolate at a City facility (i.e., Fire Station 13), and that potential exposures were being reported to Dr. Rea at King County Public Health. Given that the Emergency Preparedness Council (“EPC”) consisted primarily of the Director’s Team, it appears the DT meetings began serving both purposes in terms of discussion of various policy decisions. A week later, on Tuesday, March 10th, the DT/EPC discussed ECC updates and what information was needed to be shared organization wide. Policy decisions included canceling some City events following the governor’s suggestion to consider cancelling large events statewide. The COVID-19 update included that the IS department was working with the Deputy Fire Chief, MSA, and Finance Director on mapping community outbreaks (primarily to assist appropriate safety measures for first responders), preparing messaging based on reports from KC Public Health, and planning for personnel issues.


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