Tennis courts at Redmond Middle School
Now that we are in Phase 1.5 why are our spacious tennis courts still chained shut? Residents truly need outdoor recreation for their mental and physical health. It's not like this sport lends itself to congregating -- with courts wrapped by chain linked fencing. Governor Inslee could restrict play to two per court if he had to. As is, this policy wastes valuable recreational real estate.
-- B. Yoder, opinion
As of 6/20 all the courts are being used!
It is ridiculous that Redmond's tennis and basketball courts have been closed all this time. Denying people the opportunity to get some heart-healthy exercise through these activities makes no sense (not to mention we continue to pay taxes for these facilities). Why couldn't a person shoot hoops by themselves or with family members? Why couldn't people play tennis when it's perfect for social distancing? Neighborhood walks are great but people need variety and people walking in the street to avoid an oncoming pedestrian is dangerous. Our country already has a major obesity and Type 2 diabetes problem and I fear that most people are in worse health now than they were in March with everything having been shut down and people sitting at home watching TV. How do you think that will play out when flu season comes and we have a potential 2nd wave of Covid?
other City tennis courts on Education Hill are open. good question to ask the City Monday morning.
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