Wednesday, June 3, 2020

COO And Fire Chief On Indefinite Leave

An investigation has been underway for over a month by an "independent" attorney to understand how the top staff (below) were managed at the beginning of the crisis.  The Mayor's office (Director of Human Resources) selected a Seattle-based attorney. If Council is unsatisfied they will conduct their own investigation.  At last night's Regular meeting it was revealed that COO Maxine Whattam and Fire Chief Tommy Smith are on indefinite leave.  Chief Smith is also Director of Emergency Preparedness.  6/3/2020


Those who got coronavirus were Redmond Fire Chief Tommy Smith, emergency manager Pattijean Hooper, deputy fire chief Don Horton, program coordinator Janeen Olson, and battalion chief Tom Langton.

Mayor Birney said she was limited by the Americans with Disabilities Act, and that she couldn’t require staff to inform her of their positive results, and couldn’t share the number of positives, even when withholding names, with people.

Councilmember Varisha Kahn said,"In a time of public crisis, our city leadership could have aspired to a higher bar by being transparent and honest, but instead decided to function behind closed doors and by lying," Khan said. "Disregard for the public and the truth is not governance."

Excerpts from--KUOW, NPR, 4/8 article


Matthew W. said...

There's no need to list the potentially unverified names of the sick unless they approve it.

Winston Greydom Mcginnnis Chan said...

COO Maxine and Chief Tommy are some of the greatest leaders I've ever encountered and worked under.

I do not believe these allegations in the slightest.

Unknown said...

Unless you can verify with the City of Redmond that these employees are on "indefinite leave" and you can verify the reasons for their leave, I'd strongly suggest you remove this post.

Bob Yoder said...

So what do you think of the Mayor? Unfortunately, preparation for this once in a lifetime crisis was thrust upon an inexperienced elected official. Where's the grace?

Anonymous said...

So...Chief Smith didn't resign, he was pushed out? If he was the one instructed not to speak (but spoke out anyway), why is he being punished for doing the right thing? This is a deadly pandemic; info is critical. Sounds like COO Whattam should definitely be fired. Mayor Birney hiring an investigator for one penny under amt requiring council approval sounds dubious to control the narrative - which makes her sound corrupt. And why was experienced Emergency Mgr Hooper sidelined after recovering? What a fucking mess. And I thought I lived in a sane city, not one of those reality-denying backwater towns. I've been seeing non-masked people in downtown Redmond. Willfully ignorant people are a danger to others and need to just die. Once they're gone, they'll stop killing innocents with their reckless behavior.