Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Redmond Historical Society Wants You To Share Your Story

REDMOND, WA - History is happening - around the world, and right here in Redmond. In an effort to document the effects of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on our community, the Redmond Historical Society is collecting personal histories from Redmond residents and community members.

To submit a personal statement or to record your observations, visit RedmondHistoricalSociety.org and click on the “Share My Story” button. These submissions will be included in the Historical Society’s archives, and provide a firsthand account for future historians.

While you are writing, they ask that you consider the following: How has COVID-19 affected your day-to-day life? How has it impacted your ability to work, or go to school? What changes have you observed in your community? How will this pandemic impact the future of your community?

In addition to first hand accounts, digital archives and physical artifacts will be an important part of documenting this unusual time. Do you have newspaper articles, photographs, temporary closure signs, or other items related to COVID-19’s impact on Redmond? Please contact the Redmond Historical Society at manager@RedmondHistoricalSociety.org or 425-885-2919 for more information on how to make a donation. 

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