Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Redmond Pool closes end of June for construction.

Image result for redmond pool images
Redmond Pool (Internet)

Phase 1 construction is scheduled to begin end of June, 2109 and ending September, 2019

Phase 2 construction will occur during the summer of 2022 

Questions:  e-mail

The pool was built in 1972 by King County using Forward Thrust bond funding and was transferred to the City in 2010. After 47 years, the Redmond Pool systems have outlived their useful life, and essential capital improvements are required to preserve Redmond’s only public pool. Over the last eight years there have been regular mechanical system failures; replacement parts are difficult to find due to the age of the pool. After extensive outreach to the community in 2016-2017, aquatics was identified as the top priority for community center services. In response, the City conducted an energy audit of the Redmond Pool, and the consultant recommended improving the existing pool as the most cost-effective approach.

This past December, the City Council adopted the 2019-2020 budget, approving $8M to improve essential and high priority systems and make structural improvements to the existing footprint that will allow the pool to operate an additional 25-30 years. Pool system repairs and improvements will occur in two phases over two years.  Phase 1 is under contract to complete approximately $5.4M in system repair and replacement that will improve the overall pool facility efficiency and operation. This work will result in lower utility use and costs along with improved building system performance and occupant experience.

The following improvements will be made to the facility:
 Boiler system
 Pool circulation pump
 Pool heat exchanger
 Lighting
 Electrical panels
 Domestic hot water tank
 Roofing & Skylights
 Pool filter

The budget for Phase 2 is $2.6M.  Planned facility improvements for Phase 2 include the following:
 Fire protection upgrades
 ADA Improvements
 Plumbing upgrades
 Pool deck resurfacing
 Lobby and locker room upgrades
 Parking lot resurfacing
 Outdoor storage

-Source:  Council Parks & Human Services Committee meeting, 5/7/19

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