Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Jessica Forsythe challenges Hank Margeson for Position 3

Meet Jessica Forsythe 

Ms. Forsythe is challenging Mr. Hank Margeson for Position 3.  

"I have been a small business owner and Creative Director of a design studio since 2006. I work primarily with non-profit organizations and clients whose core values revolve around serving and improving the community. My work has ranged from domestic and international LEED-certified large scale mixed-use architecture projects, like the ones popping up in downtown Redmond, to establishing the brand for the Seattle Symphony’s Grammy Award-winning record label. Being a creative thinker in these industries means taking a holistic approach and putting people at the forefront of all decisions; I hope to bring this kind of thinking to the Redmond City Council. 

A firm believer in being active at the local level, I have seen first-hand the impact one person can have. I was active in grassroots organizing for the recently passed Washington Voting Rights ActAutomatic Voter RegistrationWashington I-1000Washington I-1639, and Prop 1 Access for All, to name a few. During the 2016 election cycle I had the privilege to represent my precinct as a County Delegate. Additionally, I contacted over 10,000 voters nationwide in advance of the 2018 mid-term elections and had meaningful conversations about the real issues our nation is facing. Currently, I serve as an elected Precinct Committee Officer and on the Executive Board for the 48th Legislative District.
I’m also an active volunteer serving as the C3 Treasurer on the board of League of Women Voters Seattle-King County, as member of the Executive Committee, as Co-Chair of the 2019 Voices of Democracy dinner, and on the 2019 Nominating Committee. I have also volunteered with Help Portrait International since 2009 and in 2012 founded the Redmond, WA chapter which has worked with Evergreen Court Retirement Community, City of Auburn Community Center, Acres of Diamonds, Compass Housing, and Wellspring Family Services. Additionally, I co-founded the Seattle Symphony PRIDE contingent in 2014 and served as the co-chair through 2018. I have been a member of The American Legion Auxiliary since 1988, have worked with the Special Olympics USA and New Zealand, and volunteered with New Zealand Blood Bank." 
-- Jessica Forsythe
   For Jessica's photo visit her website.

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