Monday, April 22, 2019

Education Hill homeless encampment to leave mid-May

Camp Unity is located at St. Jude Parish close to Redmond Middle School and Horace Mann El.

The Camp Unity homeless encampment is smaller this year.  Last month, it was populated by 17 individuals and a couple.  The site maxes out at 40.  According to Pete, the camp manager, half of the residents have a job and half have disability income. Some meals are provided by the church; the church donates water and power, and a mobile shower and laundry services them. The homeless car lot nearby is not affiliated with Camp Unity.

As for safety, Camp Unity has warranty checks, a zero tolerance for drugs and alcohol, and does a sex offender check.  Camp Unity has been in operation for two years. It's a vast improvement over Tent City 4 which had a terrible community reputation.  

According to Pete, the City's Homeless Outreach Coordinator Kent Hay rarely visits, rather takes phone calls about twice a month. Pete says the camp will leave in mid-May for Woodinville and stay there until the end of the year. It operates in Redmond under a City 2017 temporary use permit which allows 3 visits/5 years.  

-- Bob Yoder 

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