Tuesday, February 12, 2019

City snow storm update #3

Tuesday, February 12, 9:42 a.m.

Road conditions are unsafe. We continue to ask the community not to drive unless absolutely necessary. Do not abandon your car – It will be towed.
City Hall is open Tuesday, February 12 with limited service

  • The First Floor Customer Service Desk is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • The lobby is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the community is invited to use the area to warm up, charge mobile devices, access land lines, make phone calls, and enjoy warm beverages. Parking is available in the City Hall parking lot or the parking garage.
  • The Development Service Center is closed
  • Tuesday’s City Council Committee of the Whole and the Council Study Session have been cancelled
All other facilities are closed including the community centers and all recreation activities, events, and rentals are canceled for Tuesday.

Mayor John Marchione declared a state of emergency on Saturday, February 9, for Redmond, WA. View the press release here.

Road Closures

Several roads are closed due to weather related issues. 12400 block of 162nd Place and 7000 to 7500 and 13800 to 14000 blocks of 134th Ave NE are closed. No ETA yet on when they will reopen.

Power Outages

Some Redmond residents are experiencing power outages. Find the most up-to-date information and an outage map at https://www.pse.com/outage/outage-map [FB news:  a tree fell across Red-Wood Rd.  Power is out in the neighboring area.  I live on Ed. Hill and one of the limbs on my evergreen crashed. Beware of falling limbs]

Weather Update

Another winter storm will be affecting the region today through Tuesday. A quick accumulation of 1 to 4 inches of snow is expected before changing to rain.  [BUT according to Alexa (haha) temperature is expected to increase to 40 this afternoon 2/12). At 10AM the temperature is 33.  Snow mixed with rain is heavy -- good for making snowmen -- bad for compacting to ice on the roads and cracking tree limbs]

To learn more about the latest weather conditions, visit the National Weather Service website.

Parks & Recreation

To ensure the safety of our park visitors, all City of Redmond Parks were closed as of 3:00 p.m. Sunday and will remain closed until further notice.

Waste Management

Waste Management is not servicing residential curbside customers or commercial roll off/dumpsters today.

We are preparing to open a drop off location- weather permitting. This service will be provided and communicated to those residents who have missed two consecutive pick-ups. You can view Waste Management service delays at www.wmnorthwest.com/weatherboard

Snow & Ice Response

Priority and secondary routes are being plowed.  [But back neighborhood roads are unplowed leaving many of them very hazardous ] 

King County Metro – Emergency Snow Network

King County Metro is operating on Emergency Snow Network (ESN) for Tuesday, February 12.

Access Services will also move to the ESN. Access’ main objective under the ESN will be to provide life sustaining medical transportation. During this time, customers who are not certified to use Access that need to connect to life sustaining medical services can (call 206) 205-5000 to request services between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.

For more information, see King County Metro Emergency Snow Network.


Look here for a list of shelters

Warming Station at City Hall:
The lobby is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the community is invited to use the area to warm up, charge mobile devices, access land lines, make phone calls, and enjoy warm beverages. Parking is available in the City Hall parking lot or the parking garage.

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