Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Redmond Mayor's 2018 State of the City address

Some very interesting information from Mayor Marchione and planned City growth.  Jump to minute 2:30 to watch the Mayor start his talk.  According to One Redmond he will present again early this year.  At the beginning of the tape there's a surprising photo of what Cleveland Street looked like in 2007.  The contrast with today is unbelievable.  Mayor Marchione also humorously talks about his health.  

-- Bob Yoder

1 comment:

John Reinke said...

I listened to the mayor's complete talk (recorded in early 2018) and found it very interesting and well worth my time. Conceptually, I now have a much better understanding of how and why Redmond has developed in the way it has during the past ten years. I recommend it.