Wednesday, September 26, 2018

LW school district installs 10 energy efficient portables

Student enrollment growth requires Lake Washington to develop short-term space plan to accommodate students

energy-efficient portable
Enrollment in LWSD has grown 25 percent in the last decade. The district has a long-term strategy to build facilities and increase capacity. Until the long-term plan is completed, the district develops short-term plans to address immediate needs for classroom space. For fall 2018, the district installed 10 energy efficient portable classrooms at Lakeview Elementary (2), Benjamin Rush Elementary (1), Mark Twain Elementary (3), Rose Hill Elementary (2) and John Muir Elementary (2).

The district adopted a portable standard in 2014 of SAGE (Smart Academic Green Environment) portable classrooms. SAGE portable classrooms are energy-efficient, have more natural light than traditional portables and are constructed with low-emitting building materials. The LED lights turn off automatically when no one is in the room. The HVAC systems in SAGE portables also improve ventilation and reduce noise.

Enrollment is projected to reach 32,000 students in the next five years. For information about LWSD’s plan to increase permanent capacity, visit our Building on Success page.
Source:  LWSD Connections, 9/14.

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