Friday, August 24, 2018

"Redmond Neighborhood Blog" is more user-friendly

With my wife Pam
Dear "Redmond Neighborhood Blog" readers,

Great news!  As of today, the "Redmond Blog" is user-friendly on your mobile devices!  Search "Redmond Blog" on your smart phones and check it out!  I think you'll like what you see and share the blog with your friends!

I don't make any money on this blog and write it as a hobby.  As you see I'm very passionate about our city and neighborhoods having lived here 40 years. 

I'd love to meet you at coffee someday and share stories.  Soul Food on Tuesday, late mornings is one of my haunts.  Community events, like the Downtown Park Grand Opening in September, are good places too.

All the best,

Bob Yoder

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