Friday, July 14, 2017

Changes in the Sammamish Valley - Pictures worth a thousand words

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To help visualize how Redmond's landscape has changed over time, the City of Redmond Natural Resources Division asked the Seattle nonprofit Common Space to help create a series of time-lapse computer visualizations. They reflect how three different views of the Redmond would have changed from 1890 through 1936 to the year 2000. 
  • Looking northwest from Lake Sammamish down the Sammamish River Valley
    1890 - 1936 - 2000
  • Looking northeast across the Sammamish River Valley towards downtown Redmond
    1890 - 1936 - 2000
  • Looking southeast from the location of today's Willows Run Golf Course down the Sammamish River Valley towards Lake Sammamish and Mount Rainier
    1890 - 1936 - 2000

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