My name is Lauren Link and I am the mobility projects coordinator at Hopelink. My work focuses on transportation challenges for Veterans in King County as well as other vulnerable populations. I am also the transportation coordinator for the Seattle Stand Down (SSD). The Seattle Stand Down (SSD) is committed to assisting military Veterans and their families in every aspect of their transition from military to civilian life; whether they just became a Veteran or have been one for a long time. The SSD provides a place where Veterans can have “one stop” access to various community and Veteran Affairs (federal, state, and county) social services, focusing primarily on those Veterans and families that are either homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Transportation has always been a barrier for Veterans wanting to access services at the SSD. This year, we partnered with King County Metro to provide “free fare” days for Veterans travelling to and from the SSD on December 1st and 2nd, 2016. Vets are able to board ANY King County Metro bus with an acceptable ID (shown on the attached flyer) or a special SSD pass (Vets able to get passes from service providers). The goal with the SSD bus passes is to get these passes into the hands of Vets who do not have one of the IDs listed or are not able to obtain an ID by the time of the SSD.
Laureen Link's email:
Transportation has always been a barrier for Veterans wanting to access services at the SSD. This year, we partnered with King County Metro to provide “free fare” days for Veterans travelling to and from the SSD on December 1st and 2nd, 2016. Vets are able to board ANY King County Metro bus with an acceptable ID (shown on the attached flyer) or a special SSD pass (Vets able to get passes from service providers). The goal with the SSD bus passes is to get these passes into the hands of Vets who do not have one of the IDs listed or are not able to obtain an ID by the time of the SSD.
Laureen Link's email:
Anyone looking for more information regarding accepted IDs as well as location of the Stand Down, please visit:
Thank you!
For those who want more information about the Seattle Stand Down, please visit the website: If you have specific questions about the Stand Down or the special bus passes, please email
Thank you!
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