Friday, September 2, 2016

Construction update: Redmond Way will be one-way through the Fall


Two-Way Street Conversion Project

Peat soil removal from the Downtown Park is expected to last through September!
Traffic on Redmond Way will continue to be shifted to one lane between 160th Ave NE and 170th Ave NE next week. This configuration will remain in place 24-hours per day, 7-days per week through the fall. Work activities during this phase will include sidewalk removals, signal work, and underground utility installations.
Why one lane, 24-hours per day, even when crews are not present?  Pavement has been saw cut and will be demolished as early as next week in preparation for the underground utility work.  Much of this work is in the middle of Redmond Way, and extensive preparation has been done with the installation of temporary traffic signals to accommodate the necessary work area. These preparations must be done in advance of the work starting, and the configuration cannot be shifted back to two lanes due to the nature of the work, maintaining alignment with the temporary signals, and maintaining a safe work zone. 
Visit for more information on this project

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