Tuesday, June 21, 2016

A downtown "nature walk" -- and talk with Council member David Carson

My daughter and I took a walk down Education Hill to Frankies for lunch, then Target, then Avondale to 180th, up the Ashford Trail to Perrigo Springs, past the Redmond Bike Park and home. (Beloved Frankies, the Italian restaurant icon is going to be demolished in October to make room for a hotel.) Click the links to read the old stories.of the Ashford Trail, Perrigo Springs and the Redmond Bike Park.  

The Avondale stretch was congested and noisy as usual.  But we were surprised the sidewalk took us on a bridge over our magnificent Bear Creek!  Incredible how nature was only a few yards from the arteriole. To me, Bear Creek, Evans Creek, the Sammamish River and the green ring of conifers surrounding the city are what makes Redmond special.  

David Carson
At the half way mark of our walk, we stopped at Kringles Bakery.  I had never been inside and was curious.  Guess who we found with his computer?  Council member David Carson!  He must have talked with Lexie for 25 minutes. Homeless encampments, the Landing, downtown development, the EvergreenHealth Board expansion, and the Design Review Board were a few of the topics he touched on with me. Then, David got into his love of motorcycling and all the places he's traveled. He's clocked 40,000 miles on his chopper.  Montana, Idaho, Canada, Oregon and on.

Bakeries and any coffee shop other than "Charbucks" are his favorite hangouts...breweries too.  He likes the "savory" food of independent coffee houses and the whiskeys at Woodblock Redmond.  

Mr. Carson's city website Bio:

Position #7
Term Expires 12/31/19

Chair of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Member of the Public Safety Committee
Member of the Finance, Administration, and Communications Committee

David moved from Southern Oregon to Redmond to work for Microsoft in 1991 and works as a Software Test Engineer. He graduated from Oregon State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management. His hobbies are riding motorcycles, cooking and playing in Redmond's recreational softball league. He lives with his wife Danielle and pets in the Viewpoint neighborhood of Redmond.


By Bob Yoder


David Carson said...

Other than having a "chopper", it's all true. Mine's a blue, factory-original BMW R1150RT. No chopping necessary. ;)

David Carson said...

Oh, and I've never been a "cool dude". I was a mess in high school and remain that way to this day... ;)