Wednesday, September 9, 2015

UPDATED: Council ordered the removal of two medians on 166th Avenue

In their Study Session last night, City Council vetted the value of the medians on 166th Avenue with Staff.  Staff wanted to keep all the medians indicating they provide valuable "traffic calming" to slow down traffic.

For safety reasons Council decided to remove the medians south of 92nd and north of 95th.  All other medians will stay in place.  Mayor Marchione gave no timeline for removal.

Councilman Hank Myers was the only council member who spoke up against all the medians (except those that protect pedestrians) because of loud feedback from the residents.

Reported by Bob Yoder


Bob Yoder said...

From a local resident: This is the council trying to make themselves look good by undoing something they say they didn't know would be put in (ha!) and potentially creating a VERY dangerous situation. The road will still be one lane in each direction with turn lane in the middle with NOTHING to keep people from using it as their own personal passing lane. Even with the medians in place I've had people whip (yes, whip) around me into the turn lane while I'm turning right onto side streets.

Many more comments on this issue and others can be found on the Facebook Group "Education Hill in Redmond".

Unknown said...

How could they not know what would be put in?? They voted for it.