Wednesday, August 12, 2015

City Council not happy with the medians on 166th Avenue

The city council was almost unanimous in their dislike for most of the median installations on 166th Ave at last night's study session.  They will have another study session in the future to consider tearing out four or five of them.  Councilman Myers called them "an expensive mistake" though everyone agreed the two medians for pedestrian crosswalks were valuable and should stay.

By Bob Yoder


Jodie Smith Miller said...

That's great. Too bad the mayor a council didn't listen more closely to public comments when planning the changes on 166th. Hopefully they have learned a valuable lesson and will listen to the public before spending our tax dollars on future projects.

Bob Yoder said...

Councilmember Kim Allen said she never knew these medians would be installed. It was done my staff which is under guidance from Mayor Marchione. Any finger pointing should be directed to him

Unknown said...

Glad they will be removed. Perhaps there is hope to reconfigure back to 4 lanes. Last night traffic was backed up thru downtown, with cars trying to make it up the hill. I sat thru 4 lights at the community center at a complete stand still. Agree they should have listened when, community said it was a horrible idea.