Thursday, July 23, 2015

City Council approves $10,000 for city Poet Laureate

In Tuesday's Consent Agenda, City Council approved $10,000* to hire Shin Yu Pai as the city's Poet Laureate for the 2015-2016 year. 

The purpose of the Poet Laureate according to the city is to:

1. Broaden the awareness of poetry.
2. Express the spirit of Redmond culture through poetry.
3. Raise the level of discourse during discussions and debates in the City.

"Redmond tax dollars at work."

Opinion by Bob Yoder


Jon Wilcox said...

Here I sit, broken hearted...

Anonymous said...

City poet laureate
Downtown park still not funded
Dollars turned into words

Anonymous said...

I guess safety isn't a priority in Redmond.

Paige Norman said...

Interestingly enough the Redmond Poet Laureate lives in....Ballard. I'd feel better if perhaps this "artist" lived in Redmond?