Tuesday, May 26, 2015

LETTER: Nokomis Building needs to be saved

LETTER:  My name is Doris Townsend and I am a member of the Nokomis Club of Redmond.  Alexa Munoz, our president, has asked me to contact you to see if you are willing to include information about the Nokomis Building (Redmond's first library) in your blog. We are trying to save the building from being torn down.

The Nokomis Building remains one of the most historic properties within the city of Redmond.  The building was inventoried in historic surveys conducted in 1998 and 2005, and both surveys recommend listing it in the Local and National Register of Historic Places.  "In view of this recommendation, the association of the building with Redmond, early to mid-20th century history, and the association of the Nokomis Club with the Women's history, this proposal (five story building ) would appear to have a negative impact on this historic property," writes Gregory Griffith, Deputy State (Washington) Historic Preservation Officer, Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, in a letter dated February 26, 2015.  Griffith concludes "As a result, we recommend that alternative designs/site planning be explored that result in the building's preservation/reuse on site."

Invest in retention of community use and preservation of the historic Nokomis Building with you contribution to REDMOND'S HISTORIC FIRST LIBRARY.

Donations can be made through Crowdrise under "Find an Event" - redmonds historic first library or under our website at Nokomis Club of Redmond (PayPal).  Checks can be sent to Nokomis Club of Redmond at P.O. Box 7012  Bellevue WA 98008-1012.  For more information, contact info@nokomisclub98052.org

 The proposed project for the property is a six story building that will include 96 sleeping units with 29 parking spaces.  In addition to saving the building for community use, we do not feel that the proposed project on that site is a good use of the property.

By Doris Townsend

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