Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Mayor Marchione presents 4 sites for the proposed pool-community center-senior center-teen center complex

Mayor Marchione and his staff presented four potential sites for a proposed "community center-pool-senior center-teen center" complex to city council last night.  All sites, according to President Hank Margeson had some drawbacks -- mostly parking and traffic flow.  Council agreed to spend $17,000 to further study three of the sites.

So far the site that has gotten the most study and review by Marchione is Fire Station 11 headquarters and the Edge Skate park.  Yes, that's right.  They are actually considering removing both the downtown Fire Station and the Edge Skate Park.  Parks Director Larson said the Skate Park could be re-built on the city campus and it would be larger then the present park.  They would probably have to buy land to rebuild the Fire Station headquarters. 

Though President Margeson didn't commit to a site preference, he liked the nearby parking available from the Park and Ride building.  Councilmember David Carson indicated his preference in working with Kirkland on a pool and was concerned about the high costs associated with the complex.  He didn't like the Firehouse/Skate Board site.  Councilmember Allen wanted more information on the de-watering and associated costs that would have to be done on the sites.  Councilmember Hank Myers asked for traffic studies. 

It just seems like Marchione and staff are dead set on cramming in all these recreational buildings into downtown Redmond -- which is already stressed out from traffic and parking issues.  Hopefully Redmond can work with Kirkland on a joint pool site.

Marchione, Carson, and Myers terms of office are expiring on 12/31/2015 and it's not too late to apply with King County Elections to run for office.

Reported/Opinion by Bob Yoder


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