Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Parents/Community Members Needed for LWSD Curriculum Adoption Committees

Science, math, visual arts under review
Each year, Lake Washington School District forms committees to determine new curriculum adoptions. Committees are made up of teachers, administrators and parents. They review standards, teaching practices and materials for specific courses and content areas. Committees take two years to develop a recommendation.
This year, four different adoption committees will review the following curricula:
·         9-12th grade science
·         6th-8th grade science
·         6th-8th grade math
·         Kindergarten – 5th grade visual arts
The district seeks parents/community members for each of these committees. If you are interested in serving,   Read More >>complete the brief online application available on the district website (www.lwsd.org). Volunteer members will be selected based upon geographic location and diverse representation. They must be willing to participate for a one- to two-year term.
The district’s goal is to provide the most up-to-date, research-based and appropriate materials for children. Teams composed of people with teaching and subject-matter expertise help meet this goal. It is also important to have diverse perspectives and experiences represented.
Adoption committees meet approximately once per month from September to June for two years. Meetings are held from 8 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. During the first year, committee members learn about best instructional practices. They develop standards for reviewing instructional materials. They create screening criteria. During the second year, committee members use the screening criteria to review available materials.
The committee must reach consensus on a recommendation of instructional materials. This recommendation is forwarded to the Instructional Materials Committee (IMC). Once approved by the IMC, the materials go to the Lake Washington School District Board of Directors for final approval.
For more information on serving on an adoption committee, please contact Mike VanOrden, director of curriculum, at mvanorden@lwsd.org or (425) 936-1267.

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