Tuesday, July 22, 2014

LWSD Sup. Pierce: "Likeliest earliest scenario for a facilities bond measure is February 2016"

Lake Washington School District Superintendent Traci Pierce concluded in her Monday Superintendent's Report to the Board "The likeliest earliest scenario for a facilities bond measure is February 2016."    She said, "we need to comprehensively and very intentionally re-engage with our community at large on this issue of school facilities to inform any potential plan for a future bond measure."  Pierce said "we need to do it right and we need to do it well and it will take time." 

Beginning in the Fall she plans to form a large, representative stakeholder group to serve as an advisory committee.  The committee will be composed of community members, business representatives, local government representatives, parents, staff and students and will meet monthly during the 2014-2015 school year.  The goal of the group is to complete an assessment of future facilities needs and develop options and processes of community engagement.  Ultimately the committee will present recommendations to the Board for a future bond measure. 

Between January 2015 and June 2015 time will be taken to develop a consensus recommendation to engage the wider community.   August 2015 is the earliest time for a recommendation for a measure with  February 2016 the likely earliest scenario for a future bond measure vote.  The earliest new schools could be built are in 2018.   In the meantime boundary adjustments will have to be made district-wide and other facilities accommodated. 


Anonymous said...

So Dr. Pierce is putting together a committee that will take nearly TWO YEARS to study what voters may approve in terms of school buildings. This is absolutely unacceptable!

While our future leaders attempt to learn in ridiculously overcrowded environments, I believe it's time for the Board to release Dr. Piece from her position and replace her with a true leader with innovative ideas who can drive the district forward faster than "a half a mile per hour."!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if a bond would pass if LWSD just proposed building new schools and scrapping their "modernization" programs which tears down 40 year old buildings and builds new ones.
A simple phone or email campaign would give them an answer in a month instead of the currently proposed 2 year research project.