Saturday, October 12, 2013

Youth Eastside Services seeking volunteers to mentor youth

Mentor Mathew Williamson with mentee Andrew
Special training and information night scheduled Wednesday, November 6, 5 to 8 p.m.
BELLEVUE, Wash. (October 10, 2013)—The Success Mentoring Program, a service of Youth Eastside Services, is looking for volunteers interested in making a difference in the life of a child. Currently, more than 30 youth are on a waiting list to be matched with a mentor, and some have been waiting for many months.
A free information and training night will be held Wednesday, November 6, 5 to 8 p.m. at Youth Eastside Services in the Crossroads area of Bellevue. To reserve a space, or for more information, contact Melissa at 425.747.4937 or Additional information can also be found online at
The commitment to be a mentor is just two hours a week for a year, though many matches continue beyond that time. Most of the youth come from single parent families and need extra guidance from another caring adult. With the Success Mentoring Program, mentors receive training and support from skilled YES counselors. Each match is also carefully made for maximum compatibility.
No experience with children is needed because you build a relationship doing the things you both enjoy. Success works with mentors who are young professionals, retired, or are people who have raised a family and want to give back.
After screening and training, volunteers will be matched one-to-one with a child who is well suited geographically, shares common interests, and is available at times suitable for the mentor. 

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