Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Redmond City Council approves over $1,785,874 in sidewalk improvements

The 2011-2012 Sidewalk Improvements are this year’s portion of the City’s on-going sidewalk program to improve pedestrian safety and fill in missing sidewalk segments.

Project Description
A description of proposed improvements at each site is as follows:

171st Ave NE at NE 100th Street
This project component will construct curb, gutter, and 6’ concrete sidewalk on the eastside of 171st Ave NE at NE 100th Street, and two ADA ramps at the end of 172nd  Ave NE near Hartman Park in coordination with the Bike Park project. This section will also construct a driveway ramp to enter the park and minor landscaping.  Read More >>
NE 51st Street Sidewalk between 158th Ave NE and West Lake Sammamish Parkway
This project component will construct missing sidewalk segments on the south side of NE
51st Street which includes approximately 1800 lineal feet of new curb and gutter and 6’
concrete sidewalk and planter strip. It will also include re-channelizing NE 51st Street
from 156th Ave NE to West Lake Sammamish Parkway to include an uphill bike lane and
downhill shared lane markings. Minor modifications to channelization and the traffic
signal at NE 51st Street and West Lake Sammamish Parkway will improve accessibility
and safety for bicyclists at the intersection. A sanitary sewer connection will also be
added to enhance sewer connectivity.
NE 85th Street between 165th Ave NE and 166th Ave NE
This project component will construct missing sidewalk segment on the east side of 165th
Ave NE to complete the sidewalk to 166th Ave NE. Approximately 125 lineal feet of new
curb and gutter and 6’ concrete sidewalk on the south side of NE 85th Street will also be

NE 88th Street Sidewalk at 166th Ave NE, 100 feet East
This project component will construct a new sidewalk segment on the south side NE 88th
Street about 100 feet east of 166th Ave NE to provide an ADA connection to 166th Ave
NE. Curb ramps at NE 87th Street and 166th Ave NE will also be constructed.

NE 95th Street Sidewalk at Avondale Road and 400 feet East
This project component will construct a new sidewalk segment on the south side of
NE 95th Street from Avondale Road to the Friendly Village main entrance. The length
will be approximately 400 lineal feet. The sidewalk will be constructed of pervious
cement concrete to minimize stormwater impacts.

Willows Road between NE 117th Street and NE 118th Street
This project component will construct missing sidewalk segment on the west side of
Willows Road near NE 117th Street to the Physio Control commercial driveway to the
north. Approximately 170 lineal feet of separated concrete sidewalk (width to match that
of the existing segment of sidewalk to the south) will be placed. This project is funded in
part by the Business Tax.

NE 109th Street between 181st Ave NE and 182nd Ave NE
This project component will upsize an existing 18-inch stormwater pipe to a 24-inch pipe
to alleviate flooding upstream on private property. Construction of the upsized
stormwater pipe requires replacement of curb, gutter, and sidewalk along the pipe
alignment. The sidewalk will be replaced with pervious concrete to minimize stormwater
impacts. This project component was designed as a stand-alone stormwater project, but
was added to the 2011-2012 Sidewalk Improvements to take advantage of similar
construction activities and economy of scale in the bidding process. Funding for this
project is from the Stormwater Small Capital Projects Program.

185th Ave NE from NE 65th Street to North of NE 68th Street
This project component will construct missing sidewalk segments, with ADA ramps,
pervious concrete sidewalks, and traffic calming curb bulbs incorporating bioretention
stormwater treatment/flow reduction. Segment A located at the 7100 block of
185th Ave NE consists of approximately 80 lineal feet of new curb bulb, ADA ramps with
pervious sidewalk and planter/bioretention swale, Segment B at NE 68th Street consists of
250 lineal feet of new pervious sidewalk and ADA ramp on the west side of
185th Ave NE and a 110 feet of curb bulb and ADA ramps on the east side. Segment C
located at NE 65th Street includes approximately 500 linear feet of pervious sidewalk,
ADA ramps, and bioretention stormwater treatment/flow control with a curb bulb at the
intersection. ADA ramps are also added at the opposite corners of the intersection.
The funding for the 185th Ave NE project element comes from many City programs,
including the Sidewalk Program, the Traffic Calming Program, the Stormwater Right-of-
Way (ROW) Infrastructure Replacement Program, and the Business Tax, as well as a
Washington State Department of Ecology grant. Extensive coordination took place
between city divisions in order to adequately and fairly allocate all project costs. City
staff understood that the project as a whole was a benefit to the City and to each division,
and worked together to keep the overall project goals at the forefront. The end result is a
project that provides multiple benefits to the City, at a minimum cost to each division.
Construction activities will start in July of this year and extend through the fall of 2013.

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