Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Over $100,000 spent on computer virus eradication at LWSD

As of March 15, total eradication of the computer virus in LWSD schools is still incomplete according to Kathryn Reith, Communications Director for LWSD.   A "Freedom of Information" public record request by Redmond Neighborhood Blog revealed $100,399.92 has been spent so far in labor and Sophos software support to eradicate the virus. Reith was told by the technology department they don't expect much more in expense.  Loss of teacher-student producticivity is an intangible unaccounted for. 

Reith expects to come forth with information at a later date on further anti-virus safeguards the District will put in place.  When the virus first struck the computer systems, School Director Douglas Egglington asked Superintendent Pierce in a public meeting for transparency on the costs for eradication.  There had been no follow-up until this post.

Reported by Bob Yoder

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