Friday, March 22, 2013

Community invited to weigh in on LWSD ballot measures

Redmond, Wash. – Lake Washington School District is inviting parents, staff, and community members to provide input on what measures the district’s board of directors should propose for the ballot in February 2014. At that time, the district’s Educational Programs & Operations Levy, which funds 22.9 percent of the district’s general fund, will be up for renewal. The capital projects levy, which funds major building repairs and upgrades as well as all technology, is also up for renewal.

The district is also looking at how to provide space to house current and growing enrollment. Over 4,000 more students are expected to be added to the district’s enrollment over the next nine years. Many of these students are currently in the system, as the current graduating classes of high school students are smaller than the larger incoming classes of elementary school students. These larger classes are due not only to new development but also from more students in existing housing all over the district. In addition, the district is planning for the increased classroom space that will be needed to house all-day kindergarten for all students, when the state comes through with the funding for that program.

The district is also scheduled to consider the third phase of a four-phase modernization program, which aims to update school buildings every 30 to 40 years. The first two phases were funded by bond measures passed in 1998 and 2006. Phase 1 was completed on time and on budget. Phase 2 is now nearing completion. The third phase is under consideration for a possible bond measure next year.

The public is invited to attend any of the following four meetings:

  • Tuesday, April 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Redmond High School
  • Tuesday, April 30, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Eastlake High School
  • Wednesday, May 1, 6:30-8:30, Lake Washington High School
  • Thursday, May 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Juanita High School

In addition, information and an input form will be posted on the district website beginning on April 23. Those who cannot attend a meeting will be able to weigh in online. Input from the meetings and the online form will be consolidated. Dr. Traci Pierce, Superintendent, will use the community’s input to help make a recommendation to the school board. The board will vote on what measures to put on the ballot in February 2014.


Bob Yoder said...

After reading this post on a news aggregator service I went to the LWSD web site and found the announcement under news.

I would have liked to be notified by the commmunications dept. of LWSD directly of this news. It is important to our commmunity and posting it provides more balanced reporting.

Kathryn Reith said...

Bob, we did try to notify you directly. This release was emailed to you on Friday at 12:53 p.m. along with everyone else on our media list. Please make sure I am on your safe sender list in your email account.

Kathryn Reith
Communications Director, Lake Washington School District

Bob Yoder said...

I found this announcement in your "Connections" commmunity newsletter. It wasn't sent out in a press release to RNB.

Anonymous said...

Could the school district post some information about what they are planning to put on the ballot? Do we have to wait until the day of the first meeting (April 23) to get information?

What are they planning to build and where will it be?
How much will each building/addition cost?
How many students will be in each school?
Will any boundaries be changed?
Bond or levy?